I need some advise regarding my cycle


New member
hi guys,

following is my cycle i'am going to start next week,

Sunday 10mg Aromasin /dianabol
Monday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG/dianabol
Tuesday 10mg Aromasin/250mg enanthate/dianabol
Wednesday 10mg Aromasin/dianabol
Thursday 10mg Aromasin/dianabol
Friday 10mg Aromasin/500iu HCG/dianabol
Saturday 10mg Aromasin/dianabol

As i'am taking enanthate only once a week , and the dosage is very less( for a personal reason) , i would like to know if i should also reduce the ancillaries dosage ??.

My post cycle therapy (pct) is as follow:

Day 1-16 : 2500iu HCG every other day. (You may use less HCG if your testes are normal in size AND you have been using HCG on cycle, i.e. 1,000iu HCG etd.)

100/100/100/50 clomid (50mg taken twice per day weeks 1-3 after aas ester clears)

20mg/20mg/20mg/10mg Aromasin (20mg daily for 3 weeks, 10mg daily in week 4)

3g Vit C every day split in 3 doses

10g creatine daily

i would like to know when to start the post cycle therapy (pct) after last injection of enanthate ?

some people told me i should continue with HCG for 1 more week after last injection of test e ,then stop it and start only clomid, aromasin for post cycle therapy (pct) .

please i need your advise.

Scrap that

Test E 500 a week for 12 weeks
Needs to be injected twice a week so 250 an injection. this is very important.
Aromasin 12.5ED
Get rid of dbols

500iu Hcg 2 x a week through your cycle and stop 5 days before pct

clomid 50 50 50 50
nolva 40 40 20 20 for pct


Having said that whats your stats age cycle experience etc
Scrap that

Test E 500 a week for 12 weeks
Needs to be injected twice a week so 250 an injection. this is very important.
Aromasin 12.5ED
Get rid of dbols

500iu Hcg 2 x a week through your cycle and stop 5 days before pct

clomid 50 50 50 50
nolva 40 40 20 20 for pct


Having said that whats your stats age cycle experience etc

my age 24 , weight: 75 , height : 187 cm
i have done my 8 weeks cycle of dbol it's been 6 month now,
why i shouldn't use danabol?
187 cm and only 75 kgs mate. shit you need to eat mate

You dont need steroids your clearly not eating properly

Please talk to 3j on this forum about tweaking your diet becuase somethings not right at all.

Either that or go to the diet forum and go and learn about eating becuase it doesnt matter what steroids you take if you arent eating enough you arent going to go anywhere
187 cm and only 75 kgs mate. shit you need to eat mate

You dont need steroids your clearly not eating properly

Please talk to 3j on this forum about tweaking your diet becuase somethings not right at all.

Either that or go to the diet forum and go and learn about eating becuase it doesnt matter what steroids you take if you arent eating enough you arent going to go anywhere

ok , i'am starting a gud diet , i will also go find out in the diet forum
You dont need the Aromisin ED.... I used 12.5mg EOD and it works just fine and that was on 750mg Test E per week.
You dont need the Aromisin ED.... I used 12.5mg EOD and it works just fine and that was on 750mg Test E per week.

he doesnt need any of that. his diet sucks and hes wanting to run a dbol cycle. my pateinec is getting thin with these guys , they need to get their head out of their ass and use it to think with.
he doesnt need any of that. his diet sucks and hes wanting to run a dbol cycle. my pateinec is getting thin with these guys , they need to get their head out of their ass and use it to think with.

There needs to be a term for stupid newbies that wont listen to advice.