i quit steroids cold turkey


New member
i quit steroids cold turkey back in 2007-2008. i was very uneducated and didn't know anything about a post cycle therapy (pct). i've developed gynecomastia in both nipples so after reading a lot of articles, i've started using letrozole to decrease teh size of the lumps. it's been 6-7 months now that i've been on letro so i was going to taper down and start using nolvadex to combat estrogen rebound. however, i'm still kind of confused on what i'm suppose to do while on nolvadex. do I have to take anything else besides nolvadex while combatting the estrogen rebound? i've never done a post cycle therapy (pct) so do I have to take HCG, Clomid, or arimidex while on nolvadex? my gyno has shrunk but there's still a bit left so i'm hoping the nolvadex will help. i just want things back to normal before i used any gear.

i realize i should've never touched it in the first place and i regret doing so. so please, any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. i'm not gonna be doing another cycle and i'm just trying to correct my stupid mistake years ago so if anyone could help me with this, i'll be really thankful.
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letro for 6-7 months? Holy shit bro when was the last time you got a boner?! How do your joints feel? Letro tears me up. Nolva isn't going to get rid of the bumb man whatever is there at the moments isn't going anywhere without surgery.