I think I need TRT but doc says no-confused

So I saw the endo. It was my regular doc's friend and they are both women. My test level is 222 but she tried to tell me I am fine because my free test is 64.93 and that's normal according to her. So I guess I am just going to have to see a TRT center and pay out of pocket. Just frustrating!

Just see another Primary Care Doc. Find one that is more knowledgeable. One tactic that has worked for some guys is to talk to their pharmacist and ask which local doctors prescribe a lot of TRT for men. Then get an appointment with that doc. You will save a lot of money if you see a local PCP and it will be much more convenient. You will be able to fill your prescription at the pharmacy of your choice and have your insurance pay for it. Your doctor visits will be cheaper and covered as well. A lot of the TRT clinics don't take insurance -- but some do.

There are advantages to not going through insurance for TRT -- e.g. being labeled with a pre-existing condition if Obama Care goes away -- but that is a different conversation. But it will be a lot more expensive and inconvenient.