I think I'm done lifting heavy(75%1rm) heart issues..

Yur right -it shouldve been 120 mg

and thank you. For 245 lbs, I'm not that strong. I've had to work on it to get where I'm at. It's just little disheartening lol to give up on hefting heavy weights, although it's most likely an ego thing.

Like was mentioned from another poster, tut and other methods are going to be my mainstay. Hell it might even make me bigger and more detailed. We shall see. I need to do more research on new lifting routines( methods) then maybe start a log detailing my efforts. I guess I'm just old school but now forced to adopt other ways.

Id like to see some of the lighter weight lifting routines/methods u come up with bruther. my issue is tendon damage/inflamation though. thnx!
Strength and size( hyertrophy) don't neccessarily run together. I've seen some pretty small woman 130lbs squat over 2x their body weight. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm never going to be super strong. So I may as well focus on LOOKING strong even at the expense of sacrificing a little strength.
An example of lifting light for me- I used to generally work out on bench with 245 lbs for 8-10 reps to failure,, or bench my body weight to failure (20 reps or so).

Well now,, I'll just do gulitene presses with only 105 pounds on the bar (yeah I'm lifting what my girl is lifting.. Who cares what people think),, I'll do 15-20 reps for like 10 sets. Pumps my chest pretty good and takes the shoulders and tris out of bench press.
Yeah, as long as the intensity and diet is there, results won't really be different. At worst you could do some periodization and maybe hit the heavy weights once a year.
I am 20 years old and decided to take my first cycle. Tren,EQ, and test cip. I read a lot online about starting early and how it can mess your natural test up pretty bad. A lot more negatives than positives so I'm going to stop. I took one 3cc shot. Since the shot was high volume and pretty potent mix should I take a PCT after one shot ? Thanks this is the day after and I feel some sharp pain in my stomach and almost feel like I have the flu ? Related to the the shot ?
I am 20 years old and decided to take my first cycle. Tren,EQ, and test cip. I read a lot online about starting early and how it can mess your natural test up pretty bad. A lot more negatives than positives so I'm going to stop. I took one 3cc shot. Since the shot was high volume and pretty potent mix should I take a PCT after one shot ? Thanks this is the day after and I feel some sharp pain in my stomach and almost feel like I have the flu ? Related to the the shot ?

Copy what you just posted and paste it in a new thread that you start yourself
Through this entire thread not one mention of progressive overload being THE most important thing for hypertrophy training?

But what do I know :)
^ so can progressive overload apply to lighter weight/higher rep routines. I mean the way i apply overload training is when ican do a weight i struggle with easy for the set amount of reps. if im doing lighter weight which is obviously easy, when would i add more weight? make sense?
Through this entire thread not one mention of progressive overload being THE most important thing for hypertrophy training?

I think guys have mentioned it to some degree or another, but without actually mentioning the specific term "progressive overload"-- simply changing routines and changing the demands on our body to stimulate growth.. If I benched 275 lbs for 8-10 reps week after week year after year, I'll stop growing.. Well I stopped doing that now I'm placing a new demand on my body,, doing guitene presses light weight hi rep and high volume,, by creating this new demand I'm "over loading" the muscle to stimulate new growth
^ so can progressive overload apply to lighter weight/higher rep routines. I mean the way i apply overload training is when ican do a weight i struggle with easy for the set amount of reps. if im doing lighter weight which is obviously easy, when would i add more weight? make sense?


As long as your making progress within the rep range you've chosen, then you'll continue to make gains - whether that's 10 or 30 reps doesn't matter too much.
However, if people think they're going to keep growing by focusing on TUT and "pumping" the muscle - with intensity/volume staying the same - then they are living in a dream world.

The point is, regardless of the rep range you have chosen, you will need to increase the weight at some point.
Of course you'll need to remember that making progress on higher reps will be slower - muscular endurance plays a larger role.
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As long as your making progress within the rep range you've chosen, then you'll continue to make gains - whether that's 10 or 30 reps doesn't matter too much.
However, if people think they're going to keep growing by focusing on TUT and "pumping" the muscle - with intensity/volume staying the same - then they are living in a dream world.

The point is, regardless of the rep range you have chosen, you will need to increase the weight at some point.
Of course you'll need to remember that making progress on higher reps will be slower - muscular endurance plays a larger role.

Yes just one thing to say....... FUCK YES!!!!! People have opinions then people have facts. Stick around, you'll know the difference. The muscle has to be stressed to grow. PEROID!!!! More reps or more weight. I fucking chose more weight. Kill shit!!!!
I've always used the 'more weight' approach as well and will continue with most exercises/bodyparts. All but the heavy legwork will still be <12 reps with maybe an occasional high rep burn out set.

Heavy squats and leg presses need to be a thing in my past, unfortunately. I would venture to say most of us hold our breath at the bottom of the rep right before we start to strain on the lift. These few moments elevate blood pressure to dangerous levels( for me at least). If my aorta blows, I'm dead it's that simple. If the aorta continues to enlarge, another open heart surgery awaits. It's painful 2 months recovery, if I survive the surgery. It's pretty rare but a little less than 5% don't make it to a full recovery.
All for another inch or two on the legs. My legs are 28 and 27 inches @ 5-09. Big enough I think.

Few days ago I did 15-20 reps on the leg press before squats for pre exhaust. Worked pretty well j thought.
I know I m nowhere near as big or strong as most in this thread.

But I opted for 15-20 plus rep s about1 year ago for several reasons
1-joint pain. Tired of injuries.
2- over all our heart is THE most important muscle
3- longevity- I got an 8 yr old to be there for and not just by leaving a cash stash in my wake. I get mean ass pumps for sure and when I pre exhaust my rep s are hard as hell to get to get 12-15.
I can give 2 shits what the next person is lifting beside me or what he thinks, for.instance I curl 30-35lbs db's with proper form and really squeeze at the top and got bigger arms then the guy curling and swinging up 50-60lbs db's with in proper form
I use to be one of those guys a few years ago and as soon as I took my ego out of the game and looked at some physiques that used proper form compared to in proper form, the proper form speaks for itself, once u let your ego go you'll do.much better.and build a.better physique.and look bigger then what u are now bro, goodluck
I can give 2 shits what the next person is lifting beside me or what he thinks, for.instance I curl 30-35lbs db's with proper form and really squeeze at the top and got bigger arms then the guy curling and swinging up 50-60lbs db's with in proper form
I use to be one of those guys a few years ago and as soon as I took my ego out of the game and looked at some physiques that used proper form compared to in proper form, the proper form speaks for itself, once u let your ego go you'll do.much better.and build a.better physique.and look bigger then what u are now bro, goodluck

Thanks Matt for that post. You are spot right on man. ON a different thread I had discussed what Arnold said in his encyclopedia. The mind and the muscle connection. There are two (2) movements Positive and the negative as we know but so many people ar just concerned with what they lift and don't pay attention to slowing it down with great adherence to form and the squeeze.

If guys would slow it down and lift with connection to their intended muscle saying under a stress they will reach failure / overload sooner. There go positive and failure both positive and negative.
MIND and MUSCLE connection...squeeze :)
Ron Coleman and mike quinn has spinal infusions from lifting heavy.Then heard Ron Coleman had a hip replacement.All those heavy weight can crush bones and slip ligaments.

I do high reps or pre exhaustive sets before the main sets.All about getting the blood to the muscles.And keeping it there.