I want to do one steroid cycle


New member
im going to be doing only one steroid cycle as my parents wont let me do more than 1 ? will i keep my gains from this cycle? it includes nolvadex, clenbuterol, halotestin, winstrol and anavar. its 6 week cycle. im 20 years old male
Just because you say your only doing one cycle doesn't mean you can take everything. Take a couple years and research and then you will be ready.
If u are getting your parents permission to do anything, your obviously too young and can't make your own decisions... Best one today-
If u are getting your parents permission to do anything, your obviously too young and can't make your own decisions... Best one today-

I never heard of such a thing. Your 'rents will only let you do 1 cycle? Pretty sure they shouldn't want you to do any cycle. If they let you do one, what the hell is another? Wait till you leave the nest. then you can do what you want. and you will hopefully be older and wiser as well.
You have clearly done no research. Typical beta. Do the mods do anything on these forums? This guy has made three of the exact same threads asking the exact same questions. Two of them should be deleted.
You must be a troll. If not stop letting other people make your decisions for you. Move out and act like a man.
You must be a troll. If not stop letting other people make your decisions for you. Move out and act like a man.

Well, his name here is "yo i'm back" so obviously it is one of the fuk tards that got banned already.
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