I was impatient. I need some help


New member
Over the last couple months I was looking into doing a phone cycle. I wanted to test the water of prohormones before getting some gear. Anyways I am 4 days in on methyltestosterone msten. Originally he was going to give me clomid for my pct. But now that's a no go so I have been doing some heavy research and have learned that I really jumped the gun and went with a bad choice with methyltestosterone. I found some peptide sites that should be able to deliver before I need them.
I am taking 10 mgs-methyltestosterone in morning
10 mgs at night. Please help me make the right decision.
You can get clomid and nolva from RUI. They have a banner ad at the top of your screen. Never start a cycle until you have everything you need in hand.
Should I run both clomid and nolva? I am on day 5 and got some pretty bad back pumps. It slowed down my workout waiting for them to stop between sets at the end. I know I need taurine for that but is that A sign of things to come?
How about the back cramps. I am only 5 days in and it was bad enough that sometimes I would need to sit down for over 5 mins between sets. Is that normal to have after only 5 days?
Muscle and back pumps are not necessarily a bad thing,, once my gear kicks in my mid and lower back muscles will get gourged with blood and tighten up, especially on back and leg day.
It's not a negative side, it's the gear doing it's job, blood nutrients glycogen stores etc.. Are being driven into the muscles.. Same thing happens to my shoulders.
Okay. Yesterday was squats and deadlifts. I got some bad cramps than but I woke up this morning with my lower back (right side) having what I hope was still a cramp. I took the day off and I am feeling better. Hope it is what you are saying it is. Thanks
Okay. Yesterday was squats and deadlifts. I got some bad cramps than but I woke up this morning with my lower back (right side) having what I hope was still a cramp. I took the day off and I am feeling better. Hope it is what you are saying it is. Thanks

Try some Taurine. Might help. It works for some guys.