i wont waste your info


New member
stats 35 year old male 5'9
jan 20, 06 weight 232lbs bf 30%
current weight 208 19%bf forearm veins are showing never knew i had them
no Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.
goal to get to 15%bf i know its just a number but its a goal to shoot for by aug 19,2006 and it means i will have cut total bf in half

fasted AM circuit train with weights 3xs a week with cardio after each session 20minutes heart rate 13-140 i wear a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) monitor
fasted cardio 3xs a week for 45 minutes i incorperate 15 min of hitt.

things seem to be stuck i have changed my workouts, started new machines for cardio,

3 weeks of ECA 25mg 200mg 81mg with 400mg greean tea and 2000g of l carnitine. and before bed i take 2000mg of cla
Calories are 2200-2300 daily high p low c and mod good fats gallon h20
here is my question if i am training hard should my cals be higher, reason i ask if i burn 500 cals while working out i am down to 1700 cal a day which probably isnt great correct.

i am scared to up my cals as i have come a long way i think, but i need and want to go further.

question 1 should i up my cals if so how high (171 lean body mass)
question 2 should i increase my ephedrine dose higher than 25mg if so how much
question 3 should i do eca more than once a day and would yohimbine fuell be good to add
question 4 woud running oral Winstrol (winny) help me to maintain my lbm guys at the club say do it, but i value your opinions.

sorry for the long post i try read every post i can and know my history, stats and goals are needed for you guys and gals to help me out i really can use you guys here your efforts in helping me wont be wasted thank you sincerly
kjay said:
question 1 should i up my cals if so how high (171 lean body mass)

Depends on how your weight loss is progressing. You don't want to lose too quickly and lose a lot of muscle, but if you have stopped dropping fat then you either need to lower your calories or increase the number of calories you are burning throughout the day.

kjay said:
question 2 should i increase my ephedrine dose higher than 25mg if so how much

Do you still feel a temperature increase while taking it? I would be extremely careful when increasing the amount of ephedrine you use. It's a slippery slope, trust me.

kjay said:
question 3 should i do eca more than once a day and would yohimbine fuell be good to add

Yohimbine would be something that you could definitely add to the mix. It is a good supplement. As for the ECA you can take it twice per day, just make sure that the second dose isn't too late in the day so that it affects your sleep.

kjay said:
question 4 woud running oral Winstrol (winny) help me to maintain my lbm guys at the club say do it, but i value your opinions.

It could, but it would also lead to a number of complications. I would stay away from anabolics for now.