IA very interesting read about PCT and Nolvadex use


New member
Hey folks,

Currently 2 weeks into PCT running Clomid 50/50/50/25 & Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
I read that I should drop the AI I was taking on cycle the day before starting PCT so thats what I did. However reading through articles on the net I found this interesting statement (copy and pasted below) Which leads me to think should we run nolvadex at all, and also it states it should be ran with an A.I.

Take a look and post a comment if you are willing to share your views....

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It would take some time to review all that and the supporting references.

Initial impressions:

* raising SHBG is not necessarily a bad thing, usually it is very low after prolonged AAS use.
* lowering IGF-1 is not necessarily a bad thing either
* re. liver toxicity - bodybuilders typically use nolva for a few weeks in PCT, breast cancer patients use it for years
* parts of the article pertain to using nolva as TRT monotherapy, very different from PCT use
I think its total nonsense. If they are going to suggest the use of an Ai maybe they should list all the dangers of low e2 levels out as well, in the same inapplicable, alarmist fashion they listed out the tamox ones. Dont even get me started on the ridiculous rebound BS people refer too. Now they are trying to alarm peopke not ony using AI's but Serms as well? Bvllshit.
Agreed, pretty bullshit article really. Nolva is very well tolerated. Not to mention the igf-1 decrease is so minimal you won't notice it. Much safer to use it and give yourself the best chance at recovery than worry about a miniscule drop in igf-1 for a short peroid.
i have a question regarding your pct, for example if a person was to take climid: 100/50/50/50 and nova: 40/20/20/20, would the split the dosage into am pm or take it all at once??
i have a question regarding your pct, for example if a person was to take climid: 100/50/50/50 and nova: 40/20/20/20, would the split the dosage into am pm or take it all at once??

All at once. Serms have really long half and active lives. I like to take at night before bed personally.
I think its total nonsense. If they are going to suggest the use of an Ai maybe they should list all the dangers of low e2 levels out as well, in the same inapplicable, alarmist fashion they listed out the tamox ones. Dont even get me started on the ridiculous rebound BS people refer too. Now they are trying to alarm peopke not ony using AI's but Serms as well? Bvllshit.

lol. This is good enough for me not to read the article.
Very interesting views guys, thanks for passing your comments. I've read ski much about PCT, maybe too much so decided to just got for a typical PCT of Clomid 50/50/50/25 Nolva 40/40/20/20

I cycled test e for 12 weeks, got some awesome gains but I'm wondering if my PCT is sufficient for the cycle I took. Also, next time I will definitely use HCG but when out of the 12 weeks is the best time to run this stuff? Again so many mixed views....

Any info would be great