Hey folks,
Currently 2 weeks into PCT running Clomid 50/50/50/25 & Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
I read that I should drop the AI I was taking on cycle the day before starting PCT so thats what I did. However reading through articles on the net I found this interesting statement (copy and pasted below) Which leads me to think should we run nolvadex at all, and also it states it should be ran with an A.I.
Take a look and post a comment if you are willing to share your views....
Issues With Using Tamoxifen For Bodybuilding From PredatorNutrition.com | Predator Nutrition
Currently 2 weeks into PCT running Clomid 50/50/50/25 & Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
I read that I should drop the AI I was taking on cycle the day before starting PCT so thats what I did. However reading through articles on the net I found this interesting statement (copy and pasted below) Which leads me to think should we run nolvadex at all, and also it states it should be ran with an A.I.
Take a look and post a comment if you are willing to share your views....
Issues With Using Tamoxifen For Bodybuilding From PredatorNutrition.com | Predator Nutrition