Iam new and need info on creatines and whey protein !


New member
I am completely new at this so i need some help. I got interested in this when i found out how strong my friend was. Should creatines and proteins be taken after a workout ? I want to bulk up and get stronger and look more cut. Should i have a schedule of when to workout and to take my supplements. please help i know nothing.
Start w/some kind of lifting program. There are lots of good 1's posted here. Usually have protein shake 30min before workout and 1 immediately after workout. Creatine is usually taken w/juice or some form of dextrose and some people take it before workout, some after workout, some both. Just do some research about lifting, get your form down, eat healthy and don't overtrain.
Heres a sample of what muscles u might wanna work-
Can be broken up many different ways, but that will get u started
chest/shoulders/triceps- bench, military press, dips or pushdowns or reverse grip bench
Back/biceps- lawn mowers, lateral pull down, pull ups, rows(can be bent, seated, many diff. forms), hammer curls, curls
I do shrugs on back day, but some do shrugs on shoulder day...your preference
can also do deadlifts on back day but if u do, do legs later in the week
example- back on monday legs on friday or vice versa
can do good mornings too, just don't do good morings and deadlifts the same week. Try alternating DL's and GM's
Legs/calves- squats(box squats, pause squats, just plan old squats) leg presses calf raises
Do ab work 2-4x per wk. Use weights at least 1x per wk.
Good luck.
Do more research
allthewhey.com has good prices on good protein.
Also some other good sites for other supplements are 1fast400.com, mysupplementstore.com, puritan.com, dpsnutrition.com, atlargenutrition.com
i take protein before training, and a fast sugar with creatine immediately after.
BrianJG054 said:
i was just thinking about going to gnc !
if you go that route, go with Optimum Nutrition protein. Its pretty much the only protein im aware of that GNC sells that is suitable for anything but pigs.

But TrueProtein is the way to go if you want to order online.
Easto said:
Go to GNC if you want to get raped with the prices.
forgot about that part.

when i used to buy ON protien, it was $29 for the smaller jug. Then when they switched over to a corporate store, the price jumped to $40-something. Never went back.