if a domestic gets busted..


New member
Hey, I've been scouring the internet for reasonable explanations and/or real accounts of this. But, my question is, if a domestic source gets busted, and I ordered once or twice from there but I actually don't have anything in my possession, could I get busted as well?

Let's say worst case scenario. law enforcement finds their database and singles me out for my one order but all of my vitamins are gone... What could be done?

I'm just worrying myself to death about this as I don't want to be 3 years down the road and have this come back to bite me

I know most say they only care about the sources; however, I'm just wondering what I could expect worst case
So all these dom labs that get busted, are there clients that go down too? Like does anyone know of a situation like that?
Your asking a very loaded question. Bottom line is if your doing anything deemed illegal then there are risks you're taking. If your that worried about it then I would suggest to stop doing it.
Relax LE is only interested in the dealers only, it would be a waste of time and tax payers money going after someone with a couple of cycles, so like you said they only care about the source