If money was no option...

natty said:
100mg Anavar (var) :D 1-6
75mg Masteron 1-8
Clen 2weekson/off method

Damn natty 100mg/ed of Ana Anavar (var) ? I take it you have or are running it at that dose? Brand? Results, do tell!:D
the highest i have ever gotten Anavar (var) is 40mg, i will be running it at 100mg sometime in the future. I have been running 20mg of BTG oxandrin for almost 5 months now without the tinyest problem as far as liver function, and i get my liver tested often. (i was put on it due to the chemo and wasting and it still has yet to effect my liver negatively.)
Prop 100mg/ed (week 1-10)
Tren75mg/ed (week 1-10)
Winny 50mg/ed (week 8-12)
Clen 4 weeks on/4weeks off (week 1-4 then week 8-12)
HGH/Clen/Tren/Prop/EQ weeks 1-2
HGH/ECA/Tren/Prop/EQ weeks 3-4
HGH/Clen/Tren/Prop/EQ weeks 5-6
HGH/ECA/Winny/Prop/EQ weeks 7-8
HGH/Clen/Winny/Prop/EQ weeks 9-10
HGH/ECA/Var/Prop/EQ weeks 11-12
HGH/Clen/Var/Prop/EQ weeks 12-14

Then, run with Var/EQ weeks 15-16

Ancilliaries, with HGH continued in the weeks following
OF course, keep T3 throughout

Damn, I wish I had the cash to run this!!!!!
I wish I could afford these cycles, especially the Anavar (var), would love to get my hands on that.

Good luck bro