If one was dealing with an UGl and wanted to be certain the vial was sterile...


New member
Any reason I couldn't just put the vial in water heated to about 190 degrees for an hour or two? It's below boiling, which isn't necessary to kill everything from e. Coli to HIV if the temp is held for 1-2 hours.

Perhaps it's paranoid, but Im bypassing my immune systems first line of defense, which is my skin! Putting a virus or bacteria deep into fat or muscle would seem to guarantee an infection.

I don't have access to a pressure cooker or autoclave or any lab equipment, so is there a reason NOT to do what I'm suggesting? The only one that comes to mind is possibly cooking off the BA and actually setting myself up for what I'm trying to avoid.

I wouldn't inject anything if I wasn't 99% sure it was clean.
Seems like you're just wasting your time.
There are lots of info on re-sterilizing gear all over the net.
I would just be copying and pasting at this point.
If you are that paranoid just don't do it. How many problems have you heard of...Really man I have NEVER heard of a problem, not myself at least.

Oh, I've been around AAS since 1980.
If you're feeling paranoid, just buy filters. The BA kills the nasties, and a filter (it should be done when they make it) removes the rest. I think the common size used is 22 micrometer, but it's been awhile since I looked into it.

I look at it this way; if a UGL wants to make money, they need buyers. . If you kill off all your buyers by giving them ebola in their test enanthate, they lose money.

Just sayin'. :)
If you're feeling paranoid, just buy filters. The BA kills the nasties, and a filter (it should be done when they make it) removes the rest. I think the common size used is 22 micrometer, but it's been awhile since I looked into it.

I look at it this way; if a UGL wants to make money, they need buyers. . If you kill off all your buyers by giving them ebola in their test enanthate, they lose money.

Just sayin'. :)

Yep ^ .22 micron filter is all you need :)
Thanks guys, I'm really not too paranoid I just thought that the process to do this is simple enough that it's basically no hassle to be 100% certain. Killing most pathogens doesn't require high temps, just 160f or so. The common belief about boiling being required is simply incorrect.

In any case, thanks for the good input, all of your points were useful.
You need be mindful about damaging the hormone though. Too hot can break down some hormones.

Refiltering it is better then boiling it.
kill everything from e. Coli to HIV. Perhaps it's paranoid, but Im bypassing my immune systems first line of defense, which is my skin! Putting a virus or bacteria deep into fat or muscle would seem to guarantee an infection.

Where are you getting your gear from that you would need to worry about E. Coli or HIV or any bacteria in your gear. Buy it somewhere else.
Where are you getting your gear from that you would need to worry about E. Coli or HIV or any bacteria in your gear. Buy it somewhere else.

Man, if the downside to sitting in some hot water is ZERO, then any payoff is worth it. I don't put on a seat belt when I drive because I'm worried I'm gonna have an accident. The downside to wearing it is basically zero, and the payoff in the RARE case I have an accident is significant.

UGL don't have the same stringent procedures an FDA approved lab would. Even then the chances with most labs are probably 1 in several million. But if the cost to avoid that one time is basically zero, then that's just good ROI thinking. If it doesn't mess up the gear, and doesn't damage the stopper, and basically doesn't have any downside why the big objection?
Best advice given was get some gear from the pharmacy.
Even if you are trying to resterilize and filter your stuff you might introduce something foreign.
Best advice given was get some gear from the pharmacy.
Even if you are trying to resterilize and filter your stuff you might introduce something foreign.

You realize you more then likely (unless you have a crimper and sterilize your own vials) filter directly into a presterilized vile? With the amount of BA most (I hope all of them do, but im sure their are quite a few who dont, or even filter for that matter) UGL's brew with even small air particles are fine.
Man, if the downside to sitting in some hot water is ZERO, then any payoff is worth it. I don't put on a seat belt when I drive because I'm worried I'm gonna have an accident. The downside to wearing it is basically zero, and the payoff in the RARE case I have an accident is significant.

UGL don't have the same stringent procedures an FDA approved lab would. Even then the chances with most labs are probably 1 in several million. But if the cost to avoid that one time is basically zero, then that's just good ROI thinking. If it doesn't mess up the gear, and doesn't damage the stopper, and basically doesn't have any downside why the big objection?

See my above quote on the dangers of boiling gear. Know what you're doing beforehand, do the research on degrading points, etc...