I ve held back both to see who and how bad the abuse got from you and to see how me Aussie friend defended hisself.
Calling somewhat out on a different approach is fine but to get personal and be abusive and get personal with words like retarded stupid dumbass is juvenile unnecessary and u all may have noticed I can t tell my 10 year old to address other s in the manner in which he wishe s to be addressed so I ll ask u all to , like me -----emulate lil T.
He tell s me I cuss to much to so please refrain from down right abusive slanderous cuz it belie s both fk n ignorance insecurity and seize an opportunity to be a g d internet tough wad reek s of an inability to be contructively if critically beneficial to someone whose success maybe a unorthodox anomaly to others but who give s less than f k n 2 shit s than I about what people think. lol (luv this place )
I m jkg guy s.
"Can t we all get along." Rodney King--fleeing felon who rewarded w million s only to gop back under a g d dam, bridge crack pipe in hand...and back in jail . Some animal s prefer the zoo....
I salute the OP !!!!!!!!
( sorry lil T )
It's the members like Teuotonic that make me look forward to loggin onto this place again, well said brother, I think this thread got off on the wrong foot and I think everyone here played their role in arrogance, not being open to others as I agree with what this is absoolutely an "unorthodox, unconventional approach" however, at the end of the day it's all the members that will either make or break a forum. I remember when I left, anyone of the members from the 2014 days (ahh the year of realising that I don't need ridiculous amounts and dangerous amounts up to a combo of 1250mg at my most, I must admit this was my period of AAS abuse to ultimately realise that I grew like a beast naturally from 15-17 and was strong as an ox, I was shredded, always got told I must have to take roids to look the way I did (I do have photos I will try find them, yes I got photos of me natural at 17, but at 22 now I don't have to worry about hiding my age as well. Fucking got sick of that shit. I'm 22 btw for anyone who doesn't know, that in the avatar IS me, however that photo was approx 14 months old, I've added a few extra kg of both muscle AND fat since but regardless, LE can kick my door down but I only personal use and literally have only one vial so I have nothing to hide plus my adex/letro/hCG is all scripted, still privacy has to be taken into consideration hence the face blur). Wow what a fucking way to get off topic haha.
Then again, I'm also just another member here like T so I guess I'm just another guy but hey, my point is, this thread didn't feel like steroidology to be honest, I honestly was hoping for a good old genuine discussion, a couple of laughs, and just a little more knowledge gained. I've seen some riduclous steroid abuse (2G+ a week for years and years), done my own trial and error of many compounds high and low and in combos, surprisingly it turns out dbol, anadrol and anavar are tollerable but 20mg of Oral Winny per day within a few days not only do I respond insanely well, but for the first time I understand for myself this so called "toxic effect from oral AAS effect". I never judged people who got sick from orals just because I didn't... And let's not forget back in the days of Arnold, they kept it simple, a lot didn't even fucking run test fellas and it was common to run shit like just a ml or two of Deca with the old school Anapolan and Dbol as a test replacement. Test was considered cheap and nasty, it aromatases heavily in some, such as me, back then there were no AI's only Nolva and hCG, which IMO is what actually works best for me... I didn't know until I chose to try unorthodox approaches, cheers Rich Piana and Ric Drasin for the push on actually trying shit out for yourself without taking everyone elses opinion as your own. I give advice, I share my opinion, exactly how it is fellas. I thought we were all past the days of where everyone believed they all need test whenever they run AAS. From a biological point of view, it would be and I totally agree on this, to run hCG for some test in my system or atleast 100mg a week. Absolutely. But I ain't rushing to go get myself a vial of test, hell I'll add it in week 8 to my Deca to finish it off, then finish off the Test with hCG maybe a little EQ if I feel like it I just need to Deca to clear, because I plan on proving I can keep what I currently have AND more and may stay off for a solid 6 months as I personally do not believe I am at my genetic potential which I have realised more and more how good my genetics actually are for this shit... In all honesty I plan to come off and if it proves true I can hold my mass then I'll probably only stick to cycles instead of blast and cruising! (my siblings genetics are the same, we are all naturally built athletes, we all grew naturally well and knew how to eat and we just grew to the point where when I touched steroids it was obvious to absolutely everyone with half a brain... looking back now, had I realised I wasn't at my genetic potential, my test level were actually fine as it isn't just testosterone that disctates muscle growth, hence why steroids don't solve genetics.... bostin loyd.... shits me man, because you all remind me of him in the sense that the ignorance and not believing me and open to my unorthodox, and to be honest if someone else told me they grew insanely well and felt great on only 250mg of Deca a week and hated test, then fuck me, I would say more power to you all the best and actually pick their brains... why? (ima vent here so if your too immature to handle my opinion then dont read it) BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY HAD THE BALLS AND SENSE TO TRY OUT THINGS FOR THEMSELVES, MALE THEIR OWN JUDGEMENT, AND THIS IS WHY SO MANY IDIOTS ARE SPREADING MISINFORMATION AND CONDONING CRAZY DOSES TO PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN MEecauy I CAN ALSO SEE THE REASON WHY I CAN RELATE SO WELL TO LEE PRIEST AND HIS AAS USE - THE DUDE USES FUCKALL AND HAS RIDICULOUS GENETICS FOR IT, BUT NO ONE BELIEVES HIM, THE WAY I SEE IT BECAUSE OF ENVY. FOr your information, if you don't know Lee Priest, check out his videos, he's a fellow aussie and the IFBB banned him because of his honesty... maybe me and him got some aussie thing in common in that we say it how it is and dont give a fuck if someone disagrees with their opinion. Haha, shit I'm gonna post up the video of him telling about his Deca use etc, his view on AAS these days and the abuse is ridiculous, but maybe because we both grow naturally and ridiculously off of fuckall juice and just both happen to hate test... go figure, my "unorthodox approach" also happens to be the same approach that a pro bodybuilding legend also takes... so would you dig at him for it? I doubt it, but ask yourself what have we got to get out of lying?)
End of the day fellas, the fact is you flamed the mother fuck out of me, because I like to run a little Deca alone and do so succesfully at dosages that people who first dabble in with it start with double.... When I see people recccomending things like 700+mg Test and 800+mg Deca it makes me realise how much AAS people are actually using in comparison to me. I'd just like us all to get involved in a solid discussionm, generate some interesting thoughts and ideas etc... that's what it's all about... Maybe I'll stir the pot first... Has anyone here ran Deca and Stana together? How about Deca and Masteron? Believe it or not, I also prefer Deca to Tren based on Tren just gets me shredded and jacked but the sides make it hard to utilise it, 100mg is tolerable but I don't think I'll ever run the shit again. EQ alone by the way, yes nothing but just plain old EQ at a dose of 600mg (400mg for me does what I need it to do with a little test no more than 200mg because it synergises very well. I didn't believe in AAS synergy until realising for me that Test and EQ for some reason work well like 1+1=3 type thing, but it freaking does. I have to run EQ at 400mg to get anything out of it too, 200mg does minimal in comparison to 400mg and with EQ, unless your in it for the long haul at that dose don't bother.
The only thing I haven't tried is Deca+EQ alone, why? Because when I've ran them together I have always used a test base and it jacks my BP up (did 400mg of both Deca and EQ and 200mg of Test, should have had a blood dump as my HCT was high too, no Cialis, too much Sodium. Was too uneducated, but I learnt...)
Anyway, let's get some interesting talk happening here, tell me some wierd unorthodox stacks if you have experience with them... Test+Deca+Mast is supposedly great, but everytime I run Mast it makes me super angry but I wanna see wht it's like with Deca alone as well. Yes, another one for ya to brew on haha, just kidding but Deca+Mast is supposedly VERY good yet very unorthodox. I'm hoping the Deca smooths out the anger from the Mast when I try it !! Could be my new summer cutter, without Test again, because I just can