If running 200mg of test is AI needed??


New member
im just cruising on like 200mg a week and was wondering if i needed to be doing adex when taking that small of an amount? been kinda emotional and itchy nipple here and there. havent noticed any other sides. ive always done real cycles and included an AI so ive never just cruised a small dose of test before. if i need to run adex should i take .5mg EOD like on a bigger cycle or maybe .25 EOD? thanks..
The answer is maybe. Many guys on TRT do need to is an AI. Get blood work to see what your estradiol is at.

If needed, I would recommend starting Adex at .25mg twice a week. What you proposed to likely too much unless your BF% is really high.
Me too; I am one of those people that is on TRT at exactly 200pw and have been taking Adex at .25 twice weekly for several years. Same exact symptoms by the way if I don't take it
I've been cruising on 250mg/week with AML.

Total test came back, 40hrs after injection : 1300 ng/dl :)

Estradiol (non-sensitive) : 22 pg/dl

I dose my AI (Arimidex) at .35mg E3.5D
Get that blood work and get yourself dialed in asap. Itchy titties and emotional are a pretty a good indication that your estradoil is preparing to rear its ugly head.
now im starting to wonder if i should back the test down some till i can get checked out, trying to be proactive, i usually do a heavy stack and stick to the .5 rule and works out but its alot different running just a low dose of test only. i appreciate the responses.
I would get bloods drawn before you altered anything. Would help you to understand some constant. Otherwise, the readings (data) will be a moving target. Get bloods BEFORE altering if you can. Privatemdlabs is what I use. VERY FAST turnaround.
I disagree with this completely.

I respect your opinion, but still feel he is more likely at this dosage to decrease e2 beyond a healthy level. I Said almost certianly not because I know guys who have a problem with gyno and need an AI or serm even on a low dose of test,
Me too; I am one of those people that is on TRT at exactly 200pw and have been taking Adex at .25 twice weekly for several years. Same exact symptoms by the way if I don't take it

0.25 adex 2x weekly would crash my e2. I can run up to 500mg test ew with very few if any problems concerning e2. We all react differently and i understand that. Never start a cycle without and AI, but i feel less is better so long as there are no problems.
0.25 adex 2x weekly would crash my e2. I can run up to 500mg test ew with very few if any problems concerning e2. We all react differently and i understand that. Never start a cycle without and AI, but i feel less is better so long as there are no problems.

You are in the minority.
You are in the minority.

Yes I am. He could start 0.25 mg 2x a week. I don't want to see anyone get b-tits. It will not happen over night anyway. One sign you have dropped e2 down too far will be joint pain. If so reduce your AI.

When I started using ped"s AI's were not available and nolva was used. It has just been my observation that more of over do AI's
Yes I am. He could start 0.25 mg 2x a week. I don't want to see anyone get b-tits. It will not happen over night anyway. One sign you have dropped e2 down too far will be joint pain. If so reduce your AI.

When I started using ped"s AI's were not available and nolva was used. It has just been my observation that more of over do AI's

He needs to get blood work to assess his estradiol rather than guessing.