If the Yankees lose


Community Veteran
I am not watching baseball ever again, and I will give the sox the props they deserve. This Yankess team has never shown any heart or the will to battle back from adversity, if they don't hold a lead all game they cannot win. The sox have shown heart all series and if they come back from a 3-1 defecit they deserve the Ring. i was so pissed last night, i couldn't even watch the cubs game i was so disgusted. I will take Martinez, Oneil and Brosius back anyday over Giambi and the rest of the overpaid.
If the Yanks win, I hope their plane crashes on the way to Fla :)
YellowJacket said:
If the Yanks win, I hope their plane crashes on the way to Fla :)

Wow. That's takin it a little too far there little buddy.