Igf-1 des


Community Veteran
I'm trying to get a feel for how ya'll ran yours and for how long.

How did you like the results?

Did you inject pre or post work out?


Did you use it as a stand alone? during PCT, or while on cycle?

Maybe I should have titled this thread "Getting ready to do first D-bol only cycle" Those threads get many replies :Pokeowned

I know some of you champs are using or have run des.
Lol. I have made a few post about SRC peptides here lately detailing my igf DES use.

I typically use igf DES pre at 50-100mcg with a shake(50protien, 50-80carbs,5-10bcaa,5glutamine). I would begin to lose energy about 30-45 minutes into training, likely due to glucose disposal or glycogen stores, so I added a intra workout shake of same contents. I use igf lr3 about an hour or so post workout.

I love igf. I've been using it for the past couple years. I love it. I really love it during pct but on cycle is great as well. Pre will give incredible pumps that you typically lose in post cycle therapy (pct). But most important to me is shuttling nutrients so using DES pre and lr3 post with the shakes and later a meal IMO you are forcing so much nutrients into the muscle at critical times.

If you don't want to do it pre or have shakes then post is fine but I feel like pre post split is the best way to utilize it.
Good info, Thank you User!

My only issue with pre is that I have to drive 25 minutes to get to my gym. I guess I could take a loaded pin with me but damn if I get pulled and searched :(

Just wanted to update you guys on my progress with the DES. Damn, I just had to find another thing that I feel I need!

I'm on a layoff from HGH for the next few months. The recovery, vascularity and the ability to pig out and not get fat from this IGF-DES feels like when I'm mid GH cycle ( like 3-4 months in)
Sounds like you're getting some great results Zeek. Are you pinning pre and post-workout in whichever muscle group you are training?
Hey D

I'm pinning 100mcg bi lat pre work out in the muscle group being worked.

I've been off the D-bol for a good bit now and my strength continues climbing. Added 3 reps to my working sets earlier today and I was thrilled. Pumps were almost painful but felt good!

I'm running sust 750mg ew and the DES 100mcg bi lat on training days and 50 bi lat on off days. This stuff is for real and works!
Snake - have you started the DES yet? If so, how's it going?

I actually started this morning. Sadly I didnt really feel much. I pinned delts today, doing bi's tomorrow so hopefully i can get those good pumps in everyone talks about. Im also only running it at 50mcg on training days.
I know it is wise to start out low and go up slowly but it appears, from the vets that I drilled, with DES a 100mcg bi lat is a good starting point. Most of us can get away with staying there without going up.
I know it is wise to start out low and go up slowly but it appears, from the vets that I drilled, with DES a 100mcg bi lat is a good starting point. Most of us can get away with staying there without going up.

ill stick to 50 for this run. Ive already ordered 3 more vials so I intend to run it at 100mcg during my cycle.
Lol. I have made a few post about SRC peptides here lately detailing my igf DES use.

I typically use igf DES pre at 50-100mcg with a shake(50protien, 50-80carbs,5-10bcaa,5glutamine). I would begin to lose energy about 30-45 minutes into training, likely due to glucose disposal or glycogen stores, so I added a intra workout shake of same contents. I use igf lr3 about an hour or so post workout.

I love igf. I've been using it for the past couple years. I love it. I really love it during post cycle therapy (pct) but on cycle is great as well. Pre will give incredible pumps that you typically lose in post cycle therapy (pct). But most important to me is shuttling nutrients so using DES pre and lr3 post with the shakes and later a meal IMO you are forcing so much nutrients into the muscle at critical times.

If you don't want to do it pre or have shakes then post is fine but I feel like pre post split is the best way to utilize it.

I began using SRC's DES a week ago and i have been running the same protocol as UserAt204 except for LR3; i have been pinning MGF postworkout 200 mcg bilaterally (100-100) into the muscles worked instead of LR3. I workout late at night, so i don't want to pin LR3 so close to sleep because of the risk of hypoglicemia.

My first impressions about SRC's DES/MGF combo are decent pumps, increase in strength and vascularity. I can say that SRC has definitely legit peptides.
I began using SRC's DES a week ago and i have been running the same protocol as UserAt204 except for LR3; i have been pinning MGF postworkout 200 mcg bilaterally (100-100) into the muscles worked instead of LR3. I workout late at night, so i don't want to pin LR3 so close to sleep because of the risk of hypoglicemia.

My first impressions about SRC's DES/MGF combo are decent pumps, increase in strength and vascularity. I can say that SRC has definitely legit peptides.

We are supposed to also keep reaping benefits from the IGF des for a good time after you stop taking it. It may create the satellite cells while we take it but they then have to mature and that is what will show up on us as new LBM

I think all of our peptide companies are good on this site,we are lucky in that sense.
I think all of our peptide companies are good on this site,we are lucky in that sense.

SRC is the first and only peptide company that i purchased peptides from. Although their peptides are a little pricey, I chose them because i've never heard anything bad about them. Unfortunately i'm not sure about Osta-gain and Great White Peptides since there are lots of conflicting reviews in several forums abouth both companies.