igf-1? how much? help!!


New member
was thinking about hitting up some peptides. i'm on cycle right now, 600mg of test E a week. I would use this during pct or after. well with RUI's memorial day discounts and the 20% discount i'm already gonna get, that's 50% off so now is the time to buy. with that said, how much do i get and how long should i run it? i've read about how to dose it, but i am not familiar with mcg. so is one vial going to be enough for a cycle or what? i don't want to not buy enough, but also don't want to buy to much and blow money i don't have. help!!
and yes i'm going to research the hell out of it and how to do everything right before i use it, i just need to know how much to buy now while i can take advantage of half off peptides. thanks guys
i like to run igf at 50-60mcg a day. some people like it higher but you will saturate faster imo. my personal favorite is to go with lr3 for 3wks and then switch to des for 3wks. take a 2-3wk break and then go back at it