IGF-1 LR3/DES bloodwork.................................


New member
I am on day 9 using IGF-1 DES pre-workout in muscle to be worked injected IM at 30MCG Bi-lat. Then 1 hour post workout 80mcg of IGF-1 LR3. I have been reading through countless threads and debates on Chemically Synthesized VS. Recombinant IGF and the different companies that are selling possible bunk gear. I am currently using from a company that I have bought legit pep's from before (mainly MT2 proof is apparent with this pep that its legit) and currently using them for the source of IGF-1. But I still have my doubts.

That being said, I am getting blood work done next week to see if my test has raised any more from upping my dose of Clomid from 25mg EOD to 57MG EOD and to make sure the 300mcg of Dex still has my estradiol still in check. My question is if I add the IGF-1 test panel to the blood work will it...

1. Show my gear is legit?
2. Show that Chemical Synthesis will work the same as recombinant?

Any info is as always appreciated.