igf-1 LR3 Thread


New member
Hello guys,

I'm brand new to this forum, and honestly all injectable anythings, but have been working out my whole life and taking various sports supplements. Never taken AAS for fear of sides, but have recently experienced a range of injuries which have prohibited me from lifting weights. I herniated a disc in my back doing bent-over-rows, have tendonitis in both wrists, plica in my right elbow, and arthritis in many of my joints. I am 5'8" and 1.5 years ago I was around 200 lbs and 11% or so body fat, benching about 375, and pretty strong in general. today, I am 179 at around 16% body fat and can barely bench 135 lb because of the pain in my wrists and back. I am at the end of the road. I have been to various doctors in various specialties, undergone chiropractic and physical, but nothing has relieved me. So, I decided to research and concluded that TB500 and IGF-LR3 would help me. I ordered some from ***, as they had the cheapest prices and are apparently associated with ****. However, interestingly when I ordered from them, my statement says that my money was paid to ****. I searched the web and this company is located in Hong Kong. Sketchy, maybe, but we'll see.

I plan on starting at 2 mg TB500 the first week and then 4 mg/ week for 5 weeks after that. I will then continue a maintenance dose of 5 mg/ month.
I will dose the IGF-1 LR3 at 50 mcg/ day for 6 weeks upon waking.

This log is solely for the purpose of ligament/tendon/joint repair and I am in no way expecting muscular anabolic benefits. I am unable to comment on the pumps/vascularity this cycle will give me because I am unable to lift weights.

Day 1)

Pinned 2 mg TB500 and 50 mcg IGF-1 LR3. I am very self-aware of how my body feels, as I was a previous drug abuser and alcoholic. Being sober 7 years has made me sensitive to any changes in my emotional or physical state.
30 minutes after pinning, I felt waves of slight confusion and tiredness, which I assume it hypo but not sure. I at some steak and veggies and felt better.

Day 2)

Pinned 50 mcg IGF-1 LR3 upon waking. Have, for some odd reason, been more confident in conversation. My wrists feel a bit better already, but this could be from the methylprednisolone pack (1 week) the dr gave me.

Day 3)

No real changes in how I feel.

I will keep you updated.
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Hey Johnny, I have a ruptured disc in my lumbar spine and have had surgery. It's been 7 months and still tremendous sciatic nerve pain. I've had burn treatments, cortisone and am on a heavy list of meds. I've also used tb 500 for few months with little success. I'm about to start igf lr3 and hope for good results. Let me know how yours is going and hopefully we can assist each other on this hellish recovery. I am an athlete myself and truly know the struggle. Holler back!
It does get better. Unfortunately, I dont believe this stuff will help heal it though. Herniated discs arent like a typical injury, in that anything is actually damaged and it repairs. It just that the gel in your disc has leaked through and your nerves are touching the rupture. Over time, hopefully, the gel will revert back into the disc. Have you looked into a microdiscectomy? I dont have bad sciatica or nerve pain, but I do have bad general back pain from the herniation. The drs tell me I am not a candidate for surgery because I do not experience sciatica, however you may be. Id still proceed with caution, however. I am more hoping the peptides will help with tendonitis/ligament repair. As far as the herniated disc is concerned, I'm looking into finding a doc that uses a decompression table. Anyways, heres the update.

Day 4) Feel nothing different.

Day 5) Feel nothing different.

Its still far too early to make any judgements, but I hope I start feeling the effects soon...
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Damn I hope you get relief. I actually had a micro discectomy LOL!!! I had no relief with tb 500 and am hoping on igf lr3. Already bought so might as well try. Crazy how were both on the opposite of that treatment haha. Il update in the next month how it goes as I'm starting igf in next few days. Best of luck and hope to see some others jump in to drop any knowledge or even questions so we can help eachother. Sending good vibes. Talk soon!
Did you get your IGF and Tb from the same source? Where were they from? It would be interesting running the same peptides from different sources to compare quality.
Did you get your IGF and Tb from the same source? Where were they from? It would be interesting running the same peptides from different sources to compare quality.

RUI products is top quality for over 11 years now, why they are sponsor here for just as long. I rec giving them a try if you dont have good results with these peps. RUI has never let me down.
I don't doubt that they're products are top of the line- that's what I've heard from many people. But at a hefty price tag of $195 for 1 mg of IFG-1 LR3, I just can't afford it.
Hey guys. I'm getting from peptide sciences. Heard great things but you never know. I believe cheap igf is available just not GH itself.
Week 2.

I pinned 4 mg TB500 this week (making for week 2), and I'm on week 2 of 50 mcg/day IGF. Nothing has changed in my body fat or my muscle size, but during physical therapy this week my legs got so pumped during my squatting exercise that it almost hurt. Also, I'm not sure what "going hypo" means exactly, but I do know that tonight I was so hungry (after not eating for a few hours) that my head hurt, I was dizzy, anxious, and felt shitty in general. After half a large cheese pizza (easily could have eaten more), all symptoms subsided. Being that it's only week 2, however, I cannot vouch for the legitimacy of the peptides just yet.

Guys, are these signs of hypoglycemia BTW?
IGF1 doesnt affect your blood glucose levels in the way insulin does, ive tan it twice and never had any hypo issues. Best way too know if your IGF is legit is to get blood work done to check IGF levels, but also if you are getting mind blowing pumps that are borderline unbearable, chances are you have a legit product.
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You are lucky then lol. I've heard of a lot of people having hypo symptoms on LR3. About to slam some weight gainer with high carbs before bed so I don't go hypo and die in my sleep :sleep:
I've noticed something else very interesting indeed. I do not get tired. Really. I am on Guanfacine, and generally am extremely tired and rundown throughout the day- but since starting these peptides I have required only 5-6 hrs of sleep where I usually need around 8-9. I've managed to pretty much quit caffeine.