Igf-1 ?


Teddy Bear
hey guys! new to this thread! i have some questions about IGF-1 im thinking about starting a cycle of it, can anyone tell me a little about it and that sorta thing and what to expect itd be a great help :)
There is too much info to include. I really need to get off my but and write up a quick guide of what to expect from it. But a simple google search will provide some basics and actually I'm sure a search here will turn up a lot of info.

Just don't believe everything you read about it. I like igf and have used a lot but IMO there are some ideas floating around that I personally don't believe.

For anyone going into a post cycle therapy (pct) you should give igf DES or lr3 a try. Our sponsor SRC has it. It will help you keep the great pumps you do on cycle. Many lose that in post cycle therapy (pct) and lose motivation. Plus it can help maintain strength. It's not a miracle but it's a great addition and it really helps mentally to get such great pumps.

It's insulin like effects may help shuttle nutrients and if that's the case it's a great addition. I take protien, bcaa's, glutamine,carbs with it.