IGF1 LR3, and IGF DES dosing


New member
Been cutting naturally for 2 months now, results so far have been great.

Looking to increase my vascularity and utilize some of the said, "Fat burning" effects of both peptides.

Anyone familiar with either peptide?

Can you share some info on dosing properly?

I was told you don't need to cycle off?

Is this true?
How much should I buy?

Are there negative sides?

I started using MT2 last month and although a cosmetic peptide, I'm VERY impressed with the results.

LR3 would be much better....its active life is 12hr +

DES is more for site growth. (bi's, quads, whatever, id use it for lagging parts)

LR3 is close to slin, which is extremely anabolic. you need to consume 10g carbs for the next 10hrs while using it. You DO NEED to cycle off it. if you use too much for long you will have intestine growth, bone growth, organ growth.

so you dont use more than 1mg without a 20 day break.....I like 40-70mcg 5x a wk for 4-5 wks. than a 3 wk break, repeat.

LR3 is great for fat burning. when i was on it i lost 3lb, gained 10-35lb of all my lifts.
Lr3 first thing in morning 50-100 mcg

Des igf 100mcg pre-workout.

Do it every other day with peps on the off-days.
