Igf1 LR3 : Questions about mixing, usage


New member
First, thanks for the incredible delivery on PSL. Wasn't expecting things so fast. Professional to the end!

I'm going to be doing 50mcg per day. There are some questions I have about mixing and usage that I hoped the experienced people on here can help answer.

1. It comes with 1ml of AA to mix with. Do you further dilute with BAC water or do can you use purified water (Back loaded into slin)? I don't have BAC water available or instruments to make safe BAC water. And I never thought of ordering some with it. Will next time though.

2. Do people still go 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?

3. At 50mcg a day does anyone get hypoglycemic?

4. Pre-workout or post-workout or does it even matter?

5. Do you inject the area you are training that day? Or does it even matter?

6. Anything I should watch out for? (Not quite sure what this question means, but positive or negative effects I suppose etc.)

I'm running this in conjunction with and on a keto diet (Keto for just the next 2 weeks...just 2 more weeks...then I can eat carbs again) after which I'm back to carb cycling.
1. aa is the only thing you should use.. it should be 1000mcg to 1ml... so if you want to inject 50mcg you pull to the 5 on the insulin syringe

2. yes, receptors get saturated

3. i take it daily and haven't had that issue

4. doesn't matter... i do it at night with my last meal.. its a 30 hour half life

5. mixed info about this one.. some swear spot injections work

6. ive been noticing a bit of swelling in my fingers and overall tightness
1. aa is the only thing you should use.. it should be 1000mcg to 1ml... so if you want to inject 50mcg you pull to the 5 on the insulin syringe

2. yes, receptors get saturated

3. i take it daily and haven't had that issue

4. doesn't matter... i do it at night with my last meal.. its a 30 hour half life

5. mixed info about this one.. some swear spot injections work

6. ive been noticing a bit of swelling in my fingers and overall tightness

Thank you sir. Sorry for doubling the questions. I sent you email as well.
First, thanks for the incredible delivery on PSL. Wasn't expecting things so fast. Professional to the end!

I'm going to be doing 50mcg per day. There are some questions I have about mixing and usage that I hoped the experienced people on here can help answer.

1. It comes with 1ml of AA to mix with. Do you further dilute with BAC water or do can you use purified water (Back loaded into slin)? I don't have BAC water available or instruments to make safe BAC water. And I never thought of ordering some with it. Will next time though.

2. Do people still go 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?

3. At 50mcg a day does anyone get hypoglycemic?

4. Pre-workout or post-workout or does it even matter?

5. Do you inject the area you are training that day? Or does it even matter?

6. Anything I should watch out for? (Not quite sure what this question means, but positive or negative effects I suppose etc.)

I'm running this in conjunction with and on a keto diet (Keto for just the next 2 weeks...just 2 more weeks...then I can eat carbs again) after which I'm back to carb cycling.

1-Next time id get some bac water and just use it, dont even mix it with AA. From my research bac water works jut fine and hurts less.
2-Yeah or 2on/2off
3-Not usually BUT on a keto diet it is possible I suppose
4-doesnt matter with lr3
5-some do, i dont think it matters
6-Nothing u havent mentioned...
A small update: My skin is kind of clearing up around where I have rashes. Could be igf could be that I'm just lucky for now. Anyways, if this gets better I'll let everyone know. If it returns to normal, then I'll update that.
assuming you are not on HGH and want to use this for overall fat reduction and muscle gains, the protocols vary

safest way to use it is only on workout days , post workout when the receptors are active in the muscles, on the other days you use it without working out they will mostly bind to the intestines, 50 mcgs is a decent dose
No need to spot inject it although id still do it as it gives the muscles first pass when lactic acid is present and muscle cells are sending up flags to be repaired

for fat loss just do 50 mcgs daily , it prevents the cells from using glucose as fuel and forces them to burn fat
assuming you are not on HGH and want to use this for overall fat reduction and muscle gains, the protocols vary

safest way to use it is only on workout days , post workout when the receptors are active in the muscles, on the other days you use it without working out they will mostly bind to the intestines, 50 mcgs is a decent dose
No need to spot inject it although id still do it as it gives the muscles first pass when lactic acid is present and muscle cells are sending up flags to be repaired

for fat loss just do 50 mcgs daily , it prevents the cells from using glucose as fuel and forces them to burn fat

Huh so that is true about on workout days, I was never sure if that was in fact correct man.
assuming you are not on HGH and want to use this for overall fat reduction and muscle gains, the protocols vary

safest way to use it is only on workout days , post workout when the receptors are active in the muscles, on the other days you use it without working out they will mostly bind to the intestines, 50 mcgs is a decent dose
No need to spot inject it although id still do it as it gives the muscles first pass when lactic acid is present and muscle cells are sending up flags to be repaired

for fat loss just do 50 mcgs daily , it prevents the cells from using glucose as fuel and forces them to burn fat

Duuuuuude! Been awhile, glad to see you're back! :wiggle:
Huh so that is true about on workout days, I was never sure if that was in fact correct man.

cells throw up receptors after damage, so the use with the lowest negative side effects is after workouts only, daily uses will result in a higher percentage binding to gut receptors ..but also fat loss. weigh your personal risk to reward tolerance and objectives
cells throw up receptors after damage, so the use with the lowest negative side effects is after workouts only, daily uses will result in a higher percentage binding to gut receptors ..but also fat loss. weigh your personal risk to reward tolerance and objectives

personally i rec IGF about 2hrs post training. why? your body has a host of growth factors and i feel giving them a chance to do their work then add in the IGF1 is optimal. i dont fully agree with you on "cells throw up receptors after damage" though, i mean of course after training you are recovering and the cells make use of the peptide to heal, but the day after etc. you are still healing/growing so i wouldent say to use it only on training days. its almost like saying only eat on workout days... sure you will get most out of it after workout but on the days following a heavy workout you are still growing, recovering and building those ares worked. personally i would rec something more like 5 on 2 off if anything. just my opinion.
I have used IGF1 this way from RUI for a long time and loved it (Des and LR3) but hav done ed, eod and a mix of ways over the years.

I love IGF1 and think its great for the common bulking or cutting BUT many seem to forget its use in PCT.
In PCT you are very vulnerable to muscle loss while recovering and of course you dont want to add an AAS during this time, BUT you COULD add IGF1 and/or a pep combo such as ghrp2/mod GRF 1-29 without suppression and help with pct. Adding igf1 in PCT is one of the most useful uses for it IMO and i think it should be a standard in PCT's.
Even just a simple igf1lr3 or igf1 des added in is great for preserving muscle while recovering.
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assuming you are not on HGH and want to use this for overall fat reduction and muscle gains, the protocols vary

safest way to use it is only on workout days , post workout when the receptors are active in the muscles, on the other days you use it without working out they will mostly bind to the intestines, 50 mcgs is a decent dose
No need to spot inject it although id still do it as it gives the muscles first pass when lactic acid is present and muscle cells are sending up flags to be repaired

for fat loss just do 50 mcgs daily , it prevents the cells from using glucose as fuel and forces them to burn fat
muscles are "recovering" for days following a workout.
First, thanks for the incredible delivery on PSL. Wasn't expecting things so fast. Professional to the end!

I'm going to be doing 50mcg per day. There are some questions I have about mixing and usage that I hoped the experienced people on here can help answer.

1. It comes with 1ml of AA to mix with. Do you further dilute with BAC water or do can you use purified water (Back loaded into slin)? I don't have BAC water available or instruments to make safe BAC water. And I never thought of ordering some with it. Will next time though.

2. Do people still go 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?

3. At 50mcg a day does anyone get hypoglycemic?

4. Pre-workout or post-workout or does it even matter?

5. Do you inject the area you are training that day? Or does it even matter?

6. Anything I should watch out for? (Not quite sure what this question means, but positive or negative effects I suppose etc.)

I'm running this in conjunction with and on a keto diet (Keto for just the next 2 weeks...just 2 more weeks...then I can eat carbs again) after which I'm back to carb cycling.

Dont use AA.. its a BS myth... drives me crazy to see people still posting about its use... only thing thats been used in TUBE research is WATERLESS AA **Glacial acetic acid** (you dont want to inject that) you wont fine ONE SINGLE mention of AA use in any research setting in living tissue.

Soo many people parroted it on the forums and half the places selling peps dont even know enough about the products they sell that even these shops started selling AA for IGF1 out of demand an lack of information that it just further made the issue worse.
use bac water.

ive talked with chemists in my area (collage grad friends) and done many countless hrs of research on this topic, (i fell for it too when i was first starting out)
Thanks for all the replies fellas.

It's still early but this is what I have noticed:
1. My muscles feel fuller, pumped, all day. Never understood what the 'feel fuller' meant but now I understand.
2. Better mood, not sure if this is placebo or not, but either way it's a welcome benefit.
3. I had some skin rashes that are clearing up very quickly. I usually use steroid cream to keep it under control but haven't had to use it.

That's it for now. I'm still in keto (And not enjoying that part) and will be weighing in next Wednesday for the final time in this contest. I like LR3 and will continue to use it going forward, especially if the skin continues to clear up. I hate steroid cream.
Another Update:

I know I updated people yesterday but I figured I would mention this since it's something that I've just noticed. I have a torn meniscus in my left knee (Horizontal tear from white zone to red). Usually there's pain but very manageable pain. I got used to it. I was still able to feel it at certain points in leg extensions and curls (I only lift to the point where I feel comfortable). I couldn't take big steps going up stairs etc, step by step only.

However, I've noticed that the pain is not really there as much and I decided to see if I could go up stairs taking bigger steps and BOOM no problem. Did a couple of squats (Body weight) to see how low I could go and I was getting down lower than normal.

The pain in my knee actually went up during my SR9009 cycle, something I knew could happen. When I came off, the pain went away. But now 10 days on LR3 and the pain is becoming less noticeable. I don't know for sure if it's the LR3. I've got a leg day tomorrow and I will know more then BUT if there are some healing taking place, even if it's just the red zone (I don't think the white zone can actually heal) then I'm happy and want to stay on LR3 for life. Especially if it means I can do squats and deadlifts at some point, even with minimal weight again.
Another Update:

I know I updated people yesterday but I figured I would mention this since it's something that I've just noticed. I have a torn meniscus in my left knee (Horizontal tear from white zone to red). Usually there's pain but very manageable pain. I got used to it. I was still able to feel it at certain points in leg extensions and curls (I only lift to the point where I feel comfortable). I couldn't take big steps going up stairs etc, step by step only.

However, I've noticed that the pain is not really there as much and I decided to see if I could go up stairs taking bigger steps and BOOM no problem. Did a couple of squats (Body weight) to see how low I could go and I was getting down lower than normal.

The pain in my knee actually went up during my SR9009 cycle, something I knew could happen. When I came off, the pain went away. But now 10 days on LR3 and the pain is becoming less noticeable. I don't know for sure if it's the LR3. I've got a leg day tomorrow and I will know more then BUT if there are some healing taking place, even if it's just the red zone (I don't think the white zone can actually heal) then I'm happy and want to stay on LR3 for life. Especially if it means I can do squats and deadlifts at some point, even with minimal weight again.

Interesting observation. I wonder how much the igf is playing into this? How long has your knee been like that prior to taking the igf?