I'm back!!!


It is Sooo good to be home and so good to be sitting at the computer again posting on Ology!
It's been a long, interesting year to say the least and I've got one helluva story to tell.
I've thought alot about how much to share, how much of my personal life I wanted to expose to the public.
I've always been a very open person, a very "What you see is what you get" kind of guy and most ppl who know me will agree. But this is a bit of a touchy subject and def not my proudest moment.
But as we all know bad things happen to good ppl and sometimes smart guys do some dumb ass shit!
The mods had asked if I'd be willing to write a short story after I got arrested back in '09 and found myself quite literally stuck in the criminal justice system.
As it turned out I would soon have plenty of time to write that story.
Anyway Like I said, I've written a complete short story covering my entire steroid experience, focusing on my arrest and incarceration.
I still have a bit of editing to do and want to run it by the mods here and over at my other site before I post, but it should be up soon.
Until then I wanted to get the short version out there and let you guys know where I've been and what went down.
I got pulled over one night back in '09 speeding in the truck.
I had my upcoming "Cycle" in the glove box: 2 small bottles of synthetic male hormone.
Believe it or not, possession of steroids is a 3rd degree felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison.
I was originally given 4 years probation and spent over a year suffering through all the usual stipulations and requirements of the court.
I'm not exactly known for my winning choices and blowing a piss test while on state probation would exemplify that pretty well, I think.

Next stop-Florida state and I don't mean the college in Tallahassee.
It's been a long, strange, sad, pathetic, eye opening experience to say the least and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but I believe I'm a better man today for it.
I spent a lot of time working on "Self". My Awareness, gratitude, perspective and priorities.
I've realized how much the choices I make mean, not only to myself but to all the ppl who Love me and depend on me.
I'm looking at my year of hell as a personal sacrifice and investment in my future.
It's all about attitude and perspective, I had some things I had to change and it was a tough lesson to learn but a valuable and necessary one.
Anyway, like I said it's great to be back!
I'm looking forward to getting a little more active on Ology, I still love juicing and always will.
Alot of my "Non-training" friends question me getting back on and I know they just don't get it, so I don't push it.
Of course EVERY SINGLE FRIEND I'VE SEEN SO FAR has made the exact same 1st comment..."Damn bro, you've lost alot of weight" Every one! lol
I'm 175 pounds right now, don't get me wrong I'm in great shape! I did lots of cardio and ate as good as I could while inside.
But I'm used to being 205-215 and I'd really like to step my game up to 225 or so.
I'm planning on really cranking my diet up and keeping my doses moderate, I'll be 40 in a week and I'm a year round user so I gotta stay on top of my overall health.
Anyway, hope u enjoyed the read.
Feel free to comment and look forward to that story showing up in a week or so.
Welcome back. Thanks for sharing that story with me. I def don't bring juice with me anywhere. Always stays at home. This is more reassurance not to do so. Sorry for your luck.
Don't those fuckers have crack dealers to worry about, ,I mean we are hardcore dedicated gym rats who don't drink or smoke , or miss a meal, ,wtf, ,well your out go get some chicken breasts and get back to work
damn man that sucks bro good to have you back! did not know it was a class 3! will deff be more careful! looking forward to this story coming out i want all the details let me know when it does man.
Welcome bk bro! Way to have a clear head about it all and you seem like you are ready to get bk at it and kill it... Good luck to ya man
Sorry to hear that man, sucks majorly. Wish the damn police would actually go do some real policework for once. Anymore, they are just a useless joke sucking tax dollars being lapdogs.
Yep, it was a joke from beginning to end.
Well, all except the year in prison. could've done without that.
But the night I got arrested (by 2 female cops) they were quizzing me and flirting all the way to the jail..."Why do you need that" "You look good already" "Doesn't that make you mean?" and the clincher..."What about ALL the wrest;ers that kill their wives???" Seriously? Can you be that dense and pass all those cop tests and requirements??? lol
But from beginning to end noone ever gave me the lecture spiel or any type of condemnation. The word "Steroids" was ionly mentioned once in court and that was as the judge read the police report.
But DEFINITELY be safe if ure traveling with guys. As long as it's out of sight, they need probable cause to search.
I was slipping admittedly, I fucked up and I wore it.
But it's good to be back!
The whole story will be up soon.
You already know I had the needle in my dely 2 days after I got home!!!
Starting with Sus/Deca maybe 500/400/wk.
I'm hearing great things about T3 so I might check that out too.
I'll get a cycle post up soon too.
Thanx again for the support guys!
Yep, it was a joke from beginning to end.
Well, all except the year in prison. could've done without that.
But the night I got arrested (by 2 female cops) they were quizzing me and flirting all the way to the jail..."Why do you need that" "You look good already" "Doesn't that make you mean?" and the clincher..."What about ALL the wrest;ers that kill their wives???" Seriously? Can you be that dense and pass all those cop tests and requirements??? lol
But from beginning to end noone ever gave me the lecture spiel or any type of condemnation. The word "Steroids" was ionly mentioned once in court and that was as the judge read the police report.
But DEFINITELY be safe if ure traveling with guys. As long as it's out of sight, they need probable cause to search.
I was slipping admittedly, I fucked up and I wore it.
But it's good to be back!
The whole story will be up soon.
You already know I had the needle in my dely 2 days after I got home!!!
Starting with Sus/Deca maybe 500/400/wk.
I'm hearing great things about T3 so I might check that out too.
I'll get a cycle post up soon too.
Thanx again for the support guys!

Damn dude that really sucks. Do you mind me asking what state you live in? Is it a class 3 felony everywhere in the US? I can't fucking believe they gave you a year in prison for that. :flamingma
I can't fucking believe they gave you a year in prison for that. :flamingma

why? its against the law. If you're dumb enough to drive around with steroids in your car, and get pulled over for speeding... you deserve to get caught.

Sucks what happened to the guy, but c'mon. Calling the cops dense is the pot calling the kettle black. Gear doesn't belong in your car.
why? its against the law. If you're dumb enough to drive around with steroids in your car, and get pulled over for speeding... you deserve to get caught.

Sucks what happened to the guy, but c'mon. Calling the cops dense is the pot calling the kettle black. Gear doesn't belong in your car.

So you are a steroid user that never had gear in your car? My gear doesn't magically appear at my house. I generally have to drive somewhere to get it. Yeah speeding while transporting is avoidable but don't say having it in the car is stupid.
Damn dude that really sucks. Do you mind me asking what state you live in? Is it a class 3 felony everywhere in the US? I can't fucking believe they gave you a year in prison for that. :flamingma
Florida, and they gave me the minmum "State time". The female judge was actually so cool I thanked her, twice.
I could tell she wanted to go lower but the law's the law.
By the time I'd been through probation for a year, I was ready to do the time and get it over with.

So you are a steroid user that never had gear in your car? My gear doesn't magically appear at my house. I generally have to drive somewhere to get it. Yeah speeding while transporting is avoidable but don't say having it in the car is stupid.
Yeh I get Mr. Gay's point, I was "Riding dirty", false sense of security and all.
It's easy to call someone else "Dumb" on the internet.
None of us really know eachother so we don't know all the dumb shit we do.
But yeah, I'd be willing to bet we all take some level of risk in our use.
My point is learn from my mistake, I know I did.
So you are a steroid user that never had gear in your car? My gear doesn't magically appear at my house. I generally have to drive somewhere to get it. Yeah speeding while transporting is avoidable but don't say having it in the car is stupid.

the guy wasn't picking up his gear, he stated he was 'riding dirty' as you see above. Two totally different things that are easily discernible.

But i'll slow it down for you. having gear in your car for a few minutes while you pick up from your 'local' is yes, sometimes unavoidable. But riding around with it in your car AND speeding, making yourself more of a target, is in fact stupid.

Mosh, that wasn't meant as a knock against you. You learned your lesson and did your time like a man. Hope you do well in the future. I just hate when people bitch about getting caught with gear, like they don't know its illegal (not you, the guy i originally quoted).

Anyway, good luck man.
the guy wasn't picking up his gear, he stated he was 'riding dirty' as you see above. Two totally different things that are easily discernible.

But i'll slow it down for you. having gear in your car for a few minutes while you pick up from your 'local' is yes, sometimes unavoidable. But riding around with it in your car AND speeding, making yourself more of a target, is in fact stupid.

Mosh, that wasn't meant as a knock against you. You learned your lesson and did your time like a man. Hope you do well in the future. I just hate when people bitch about getting caught with gear, like they don't know its illegal (not you, the guy i originally quoted).

Anyway, good luck man.

Thanks for slowing it down for me. I really needed you to explain the differences to me.
Florida, and they gave me the minmum "State time". The female judge was actually so cool I thanked her, twice.
I could tell she wanted to go lower but the law's the law.
By the time I'd been through probation for a year, I was ready to do the time and get it over with.

Yeh I get Mr. Gay's point, I was "Riding dirty", false sense of security and all.
It's easy to call someone else "Dumb" on the internet.
None of us really know eachother so we don't know all the dumb shit we do.
But yeah, I'd be willing to bet we all take some level of risk in our use.
My point is learn from my mistake, I know I did.

Mosh I agree, we all do dumb shit and the reality is that being involved in the game is a risk by itself... Shit, just having it in your house is a risk by itself.. Oh well. Good Luck Mosh. Glad that you are getting your life back together and have learned from your mistakes!!!
Thanx for the comments guys, it was a wakeup call and a hard lesson to learn.
I slipped bigtime and it was stupid, that false sense of security.
Like I said, most laypeople are surprised it's even illegal.
But I just hope someone else can learn from my mistake, think, think, think.
And always plan for the unexpected!
Even just driving home from ure source, you could get in a crash and be unconcious and then cops are all up in ure shit.
From now on my shit gets locked up in the glove box with all my paperwork at easy access. And no speeding! lol
bro that is horrible. glad to hear the "benefits" that came out of it. so you did a year fot 20mls of test!!!!!>!?!?