I'm Completly New, Never Used Any Work Out Drug, HELP!!


New member
Hi, I'm a total greenhorn, I've never taken any work out drug of any kind, I plan on it though. I want to know the best one to use and what the dangers of all of them are, I would like anyones opinion on this, as I have no idea. PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME FALSE ADVICE. I have looked into Deca a little bit, I know the only real one is made by organon, and that is has the fewest amount of side affects, I hope this is true, if not, please tell me. I can't seem to build muscle, I want to be bigger, not huge, so I'd like to know the best and safest way to get these results.

Thank you
wow you need lots of research.
I would use the search function a lot bro. First cycles, type and profiles of aas.
How long you been lifting, age, weight, body-fat all are factors.
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Deca is NOT the safest.....Primo is !! Just incase you don't know it, its full name is Primobolan....this is classified as the SAFEST steroid ever produced, and virtually has NO side effects, except for some minor ones if taken at high doses and prolonged periods....Before you even consider Primo or any other drup, you need to understand what this is you're putting into your body, and all the good and the bad that comes along with it....basically, you still need to research and learn before ANY cycle.....

Stick around, read a lot, interact with us on the boards....you need to educate your self bro before you begin this journey!

It is essential that you realize what you are dealing with here BEFORE you begin. Steroids don't just "make you big" ; they are serious drugs that effect many of your body systems, especially manipulating/ influencing your endocrine system. By this...you are DIRECTLY and INDIRECTLY effecting a shit-load of other reactions and vital chemical responses in the body other than just "muscle gain"!

Many times, when someone begins taking gear,they stay on for 10,20,30 years after that. My point...once you begin, chances are you won't discontinue use for a long time (with the exception of breaks between cycles of course).

Learn, learn, learn bro!!! This isn't some candy-ass party drug that you can take one night, get your desired effects, and then sleep it off the next day.

Bodybuilding is a lifestyle with dieting and training at the forefront of importance.........steroids are merely an ancillary support to this lifestyle......WHEN.......all OTHER avenues of natural bodybuliding (drug-free) have been exhausted.

Hang out.....ask questions.....learn......and then make intelligent decisons from there.

Good luck!

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tko said:
Deca is NOT the safest.....Primo is !! Just incase you don't know it, its full name is Primobolan....this is classified as the SAFEST steroid ever produced, and virtually has NO side effects, except for some minor ones if taken at high doses and prolonged periods....Before you even consider Primo or any other drup, you need to understand what this is you're putting into your body, and all the good and the bad that comes along with it....basically, you still need to research and learn before ANY cycle.....

Important to know too is that primo is also the most widely faked drug out there, many sources wont even carry it because they cant even tell the difference.

Bro, if you are looking for advice, you need to provide more info, such as age, years of training, starting weight, weight you are at now, etc
oxy_kerf said:
Hi, I'm a total greenhorn, I've never taken any work out drug of any kind, I plan on it though. I want to know the best one to use and what the dangers of all of them are, I would like anyones opinion on this, as I have no idea. PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME FALSE ADVICE. I have looked into Deca a little bit, I know the only real one is made by organon, and that is has the fewest amount of side affects, I hope this is true, if not, please tell me. I can't seem to build muscle, I want to be bigger, not huge, so I'd like to know the best and safest way to get these results.

Thank you

First off, welcome to the board bro!! Now then, just follow DRV's advice and you'll learn ALOT very quickly and be glad that you waited to jump on the gear until you have all your ducks in a row.
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You've gotten some GREAT advice so far. Be one of the smart ones and abide by it. I am a physician, and I have learned a HUGE amount of important info by reading, reading, and reading some more, on this board (the best one) and others like it.
Anabolic steroids are just one facet of the BB lifestyle. Diet and training are more important. And reading and asking informed questions. I "lurked" on these boards for weeks before I ever posted a question. And I liberally used the "Search" function and read the "Stickies" and article sections. There is a wonderful article section here on Steroidology. Listen up, MFYB, and you'll do well.
Thanks for all your advice, I'm pretty iffy about doing it, so I'm totally going to take all of your advice and learn all there is to know about jumping into it. My girlfriend is a personal trainer, huge health nut, completley certified, so she's going to continue to keep me as healthy as a horse, but steroids are my next resort because I can't gain a pound, even if I try, never been able to. I'm strong for how big I am, the only thing on me that has muscle is my legs though, I can bench the whole stack like piss all, but I would really like to define my arms ab and chest, I'd like to look good.
Oh and one more thing, injectable vs. Pill can you fill me in on the difference and which is better, I've never given myself a needle before, I don't mind when I get one, so I don't imagine it's a big thing, but it'd be great to know the result differences of each.

start reading and learning , as you studie save your pennies
by the time your ready with the information and your well versed
in the gear game you will also have quite a chunk of change to spend

but your best bet is to set aside a time limit like 1-2 years
hang with the board and post questions ( read the rules )
get to know the gear and the sides from those who know
this is a great board to be apart of
lots of good info
also try to perfect diet and training during the 1-2 years
keep a notebook journal and try everything like goverment volume training, HIT, everything
that way when you do step to the darkside you will know how your training will impact your gains
Can you guys tell me what high protien diets you have used, I'd like some ideas on how to incorporate it into my day.
I cycle my diet from an atkins style low carb to a moderate carb, high protein, depends on how my body is responding to training, if I put on more fat than I want I switch gears to the atkins, but I allways keep protein real high