I'm really weak, but does it matter?

Who gives a shit if people think u are strong or not.. I lift weights but I ain't no weight lifter.
I'll prob never load up 6 plates and ask for a spot again.. No point in it**.. First day my wife worked out with me in awhile, she was used to helping me load up plates,, well I just benched what she did, two 10s on each side (I did guillotine presses for high volume high reps). Who cares what people think, I got a great workout in lifting light as hell.

** I'll move some heavy weight on occasions just to keep the nervous system trained
One of the main free weight guys at my gym (everyone seems to defer to him with questions about form, etc) told me he would rather see a man dead lifting a bare bar properly than lifting 1000 pounds with bad form. He said the weight does not matter, the form matters. Everyone else nodded as he told me this, which surprised me but gladdened me at the same time. I had asked someone to look over my form and let me know if I was doing it right. He said I was, but had some suggestions, then completely changed everything I was doing...heh. He then made sure to ask that main guy if he was correct and that is what started the conversation (and he did say I was doing it right). It must have looked odd to anyone watching to see a pudgy, middle aged, white guy surrounded by a half dozen huge black men all treating me like I was the best thing that ever walked in the gym. But they were, and the main guy (I wrote down his name, but keep forgetting it - very unusual name) everyone listens to told me that he loves when people get the courage to enter the free weight zone and if anyone ever treats me bad to tell him and he will educate them. :)

I like my gym - it might just be Planet Fitness, but it works for me.
You just need to define your goals. Strength is a byproduct of lifting. I wish I was weaker on some lifts just because having to move heavy weight to feel the stress sucks. For example, my arms are really strong. Sucks for my bad back that I have to move so much weight with curls etc to even feel it.
OP, you look great man don't let co-workers talk shit about how you meet your goals. If their goal is to be strong and destroy their bodies... don't get in their way. Any person that thinks it's okay to criticize an individual for doing something their own way is simply put, childish. You're not doing this to please your friends, or fellow employees.. you're busting ass to stare at yourself in the mirror for 20 minutes a day and say "I'm the fuckin shit"

I have a similar situation that came up literally a few hours ago! So, I shave my arms, chest and stomach this past week to see how I looked. My girlfriend hates it, cause it's prickly and annoying when we're touching or "cuddling".. I know, I know.. lame. But, we were at her sisters and it came up in conversation.. she dogged me about it and I simply stated, I'm not doing any of this to please you. I'm not dieting and training my dick off every week to look great for you. You liked me when I was 200lbs of flab.. If you like me big, buff, ripped, shaved.. cool. But, if not.. then you'll have to get over it cause I'm doing this for myself. It sounds a little harsh, but it wasn't the first time I've heard it this week and I absolutely had to make it clear to her that if I want to shave my ass, legs, and toes.. you better believe it's going to happen. What if I missed out on the opportunity to have a freshly shaved ass at least one time in my life right?

The whole bodybuilding thing is a personal, 1 man venture. You can have a training partner, a friend, even a significant other always there with you.. but at the end of the day, if you're not doing it for yourself it's just not going to pan out the way you're hoping for. Training for girls at the club, to look good at work, to impress friends and family, or even to post 100 selfies on instagram, just won't last... It's gotta be for you, you've gotta be in it for the long haul and for the sport of it.

The whole Arnold saying "Ignore the Naysayers" was absolutely spot on. For some reason people are afraid of different but they're not afraid to be verbal about it and bring people down for being different? It's fucked, I go through it each day. A social stigma at work.. cause I lift weights I must be super vain, and puff out my chest, and call everyone "bro".. Just fucking ignore them, or explain to them that they're fucking wrong and you'll be elsewhere doing it correctly! lol I can't imagine how badly homosexuals, cross dressers, trannies, or any other "labeled" group must feel day to day.

You're looking great man keep it up, cause you're doing something right. I hope this can help you out a bit, cause I get it!
I figure there's always some one out there stronger, faster, whatever why worry about it, especially if your happy with your progress. If they keep giving you a hard time remind them there's a chick out there putting their best deadlift over her head.
OP, you look great man don't let co-workers talk shit about how you meet your goals. If their goal is to be strong and destroy their bodies... don't get in their way. Any person that thinks it's okay to criticize an individual for doing something their own way is simply put, childish. You're not doing this to please your friends, or fellow employees.. you're busting ass to stare at yourself in the mirror for 20 minutes a day and say "I'm the fuckin shit"

I have a similar situation that came up literally a few hours ago! So, I shave my arms, chest and stomach this past week to see how I looked. My girlfriend hates it, cause it's prickly and annoying when we're touching or "cuddling".. I know, I know.. lame. But, we were at her sisters and it came up in conversation.. she dogged me about it and I simply stated, I'm not doing any of this to please you. I'm not dieting and training my dick off every week to look great for you. You liked me when I was 200lbs of flab.. If you like me big, buff, ripped, shaved.. cool. But, if not.. then you'll have to get over it cause I'm doing this for myself. It sounds a little harsh, but it wasn't the first time I've heard it this week and I absolutely had to make it clear to her that if I want to shave my ass, legs, and toes.. you better believe it's going to happen. What if I missed out on the opportunity to have a freshly shaved ass at least one time in my life right?

The whole bodybuilding thing is a personal, 1 man venture. You can have a training partner, a friend, even a significant other always there with you.. but at the end of the day, if you're not doing it for yourself it's just not going to pan out the way you're hoping for. Training for girls at the club, to look good at work, to impress friends and family, or even to post 100 selfies on instagram, just won't last... It's gotta be for you, you've gotta be in it for the long haul and for the sport of it.

The whole Arnold saying "Ignore the Naysayers" was absolutely spot on. For some reason people are afraid of different but they're not afraid to be verbal about it and bring people down for being different? It's fucked, I go through it each day. A social stigma at work.. cause I lift weights I must be super vain, and puff out my chest, and call everyone "bro".. Just fucking ignore them, or explain to them that they're fucking wrong and you'll be elsewhere doing it correctly! lol I can't imagine how badly homosexuals, cross dressers, trannies, or any other "labeled" group must feel day to day.

You're lookinggreat man keep it up, cause you're doing something right. I hope this can help you out a bit, cause I get it!

Great post, just great thoughts. Listen I have competed and done ok.. ectomorph, and I am vey weak compared to the guys I liftd with or the guys I competed with on stage.

The entire principal to BB and growing is overload. You know you get your diet in and rest etc and the you overload train and that means simply the overload that you , your muscle can handle. You reach overload and failure at "ANY" Weight for you and you will grow, be hard, strong for you and tat's why you do it. Loking good man, FVCK them. Immature shit. Good luck, you're on track. Enjoy the sport. It's only you against the weight...ha not those ass hole :dance2:

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My coworkers who are in the gym at the same time as me are always giving me crap saying I'm weak and don't lift enough weight. I blow them off saying i don't care about strength and if i could get the look I want with 15lb dumbbells, that would be fine.

The other day I went to one of those online calculators and entered the weight i can bench press and how many times. I do 3x10 flat bench at 210, but on set 3 I can only get about 8 before failure. So i entered i can lift 210 ten times and the calculator said my max should be 290-305 or close to that.

Since today was chest day, I decided to try it. I got 250 up, but had to have a little help at 260. So my max is only 40lb more than I work out with?

I don't train for strength. I train to look good at the beach. I've only been at it for a year and I'm 43. Should I care how much weight I can push around? I'm actually pretty darn happy with how I look for the amount of time I have put into it and where I started. That's not to say I'm done and planning to slack off. I want more size and a lower bf%.

If you only need 25s to make on db then stick to that and add as you grow.
think about it.. if you jump or where already at 50lb dbs ... where you go from there? only so high you can go until tissue just wont hold an you will rip something...
I rather still be growing with 15s then be killing myself to just get to 50's . take it slow and add lbs over time and change up workouts for growth.
I had guy tease me on how much i was using.... well im bigger then him years later....
screw what others say...
Did Somebody say 135x100? Hell to the yea mate.:frogjump::frogjump:

It took me like 2 years before I finally benched 225 x4. Not that I could not do it before or a while back, I just never let me ego get to me to try it for 1RM. I'm decent size for my height and it's a shocker to some people. I work with drop sets, super sets, Quad sets.. Whatever. Lift till u burn out and do it some more. Get some good food in to grow and get ur sleep. Thats how BB do it, Not those beer belly powerlifters.
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You've posted threads before about your coworkers. It's been over 25 years since high school. Fuck em. You should be doing all of this for yourself, not anybody else. Not being mean but it needed to be said...

Bringing back this old thread because of your comment. I'm about to go out tomorrow and join a gym and pay a ridiculous amount of money to leave my free gym at work behind. The two coworkers who rip on me work out together. About three weeks ago I decided to join them and change things up. A couple days later they convinced a new guy to start working out with them too so now there's 4 of us doing a routine and it takes quite a bit longer to finish, but not a big deal. Week 1 went fine but Thursday and Friday of week 2 I was reallly sick and missed work. The following Monday I came in and nobody was there so I just started my own workout. When they arrived of course they talked shit but I expected it so it didn't bother me much. Tuesday I wore my earbuds and they have me sh** for that but I played it off saying I need to get back to focusing on my work out if I want to see gains.

For some reason in our little gym someone was hiding things. The spring clips for the weight bars would be hidden but we found them and then started being very mindful to store them thinking someone was mad cause they were on the floor. Next day they're missing again but this time we didn't find them. I ordered a set of bar collars for myself to keep in my gym bag and take to the gym which leads into today's story. Yesterday when there were no clips for the bar, one of the other guys got off balance and the weights slid off. They went and got zip ties and zip tied the 45's to the ez curl bar. Today I took my collars in and put them on the bar I was using. I absolutely started this argument I'll admit. I was staring at these zip ties which I thought was the dumbest idea ever cause now they need to carry some cutters in there to get them off and change the weight or re-rack the weights and made mention of how it wasn't the brightest idea. They mouthed back which was just us giving each other crap, but then took it a step further and called me something: a prick, dick, stingy asshole, can't remember exactly cause I had collars and wouldn't share with them. It dawned on me that they must have assumed I had these the whole time and let them almost drop weights on themselves without offering to let them use the colllars so I explained that I had just got them and today was the first time I used them.

Anyway, so this is all bs high school drama I know. But it's every day and I get tired of it. I think something is off in my hormones lately. I have the shortest fuse lately. I have absolutely zero tolerance for stupidity which seems to be all around me. And I absolutely cannot let something stupid or something that angers me go without saying something about it. A year and a half ago I was a pretty quiet, jovial person who ignored almost everything or laughed everything off, never got mad. Then I quit drinking and started trt and working out, and threw in a cycle. I honestly think the biggest contributor was the quitting drinking. I'm not in that fog of either drunk or hung over waiting to get off work and have a beer any more so I'm forced to see how f-ing stupid peope around me really are.

I apologize for the rant. I just had to get it off my chest.
The real reason I'm leaving my free gym for an overpriced paid gym is because our gym barely had enough equipment anyway. Then these coworkers normally get there 10 minutes before me and there's only one squat rack, which is a smith machine. With 3 of them, they jump on it before I get there and try to do every exercise on it. They were doing f-ing curls on it this morning. I use it for squats and flat bench since it has stops and I work out alone and try to go heavy on flat bench. But I already wake up at 4:15 to head to the gym so I really don't feel like getting up earlier just to beat them there and be able to do my workout. I usually just do dumbbells for bench of they're hogging it and wait if I need to do squats.

Edit: re-reading this, I know I'm PMS'ing amd being a little b**ch. My e2 can't be high, do men pms if their e2 gets low?
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here's the thing; there is different types of strength and your muscle fibers are probably just used to a more endurance oriented workout. Take a small guy who's "strong" and tell him to do light weights with perfect form and short rest times; he'll die before the 5th workout is done.

I guarentee you if you literally incorporate only low reps into your bench press your max will go up a good 10-15 pounds in a few weeks just due to more strength. and 265 lbs is nothing to sneeze at

Also, people have different leverages and levels of flexibility/muscles taking the workload and that plays a big role as well
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Sometimes you should pay attention to what others say to you so that you know what do you lack in you and then if you want to improve it or not it all depends on you
My coworkers who are in the gym at the same time as me are always giving me crap saying I'm weak and don't lift enough weight. I blow them off saying i don't care about strength and if i could get the look I want with 15lb dumbbells, that would be fine.

The other day I went to one of those online calculators and entered the weight i can bench press and how many times. I do 3x10 flat bench at 210, but on set 3 I can only get about 8 before failure. So i entered i can lift 210 ten times and the calculator said my max should be 290-305 or close to that.

Since today was chest day, I decided to try it. I got 250 up, but had to have a little help at 260. So my max is only 40lb more than I work out with?

I don't train for strength. I train to look good at the beach. I've only been at it for a year and I'm 43. Should I care how much weight I can push around? I'm actually pretty darn happy with how I look for the amount of time I have put into it and where I started. That's not to say I'm done and planning to slack off. I want more size and a lower bf%.

As long as your happy screw everyone elses opinions. I have seen guys get messed up because they felt pressured into doing AAS way to young in their lives and now they are paying for it.
Like TBONEXL says do it for yourself first.