IMA BE HUGE! How many CARBS tho?


New member
"Carb rule of thumb"

Is there such thing? I mean, you here most say, 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bw. BUT, lots of opinions on carbs. Assuming your trying to CLEAN bulk, what amount do you guys feel is sufficeint?

I am bulking now, getting 300g of protien, and 3k calories, thats all I aim for CALORIES and PROTEIN, but Ik carbs are huge as well...

Stats: 200lbs, 12%bf
Taking: Test E and Dianabol
at 3000 calories u should be taking in 300g carbs and 66g fats with that level of protein.. enjoy.. though i think u might need more calories then that
Really? Dam how about on off days? Should I maybe cut out on the carbs? But aim for the same amount on calories? Or just drop 500 cals or so? I lift M,W,F