I did a stack 3 compounds for my first cycle and not even I would recommend it.
Hindsight is 20/20 and some people just has to learn the "hard way".
Wish more people would listen to the advice given on this site, they're given for a reason!
Funny how we all mess up so bad along the way. Usually get really damn lucky too. Too many variables in what we do that are difficult to control, we are obligated to control the variables that we can. Wish people who didn't follow the advice around here would report back their results. Speaks volumes that they ignore the advice and then ya never hear from them again. If it were me and I ignored the advice, I would report back if my plan was successful. Opportunity to rub it in

I'm sure we don't see that because these plans are not successful. If they were we would hear back more often. That would be great cuz maybe we could learn from it.