Impact of food on bloating/waterweight on cycle


New member
Some people say your diet is the main factor that causes bloating/waterweight, even on "wet cycles" like test/deca/dbol/etc...
And if you eat clean you will hold a lot less water, even on "wet cycles".

But what exactly is "eating clean" ? Low sodium intake? Because macros are macros and it shouldnt matter much whether you eat junk/sugar for carbs or rice/sweet potatos/whatever.
Apples and oranges dude.

Sodium causes water retention from food intake. More water help s rinse water out or less sodium intake. Waters never a permanent situation unless u let it.
Estro conversion causes water retention from certain AAS use and other prolactin induced sides include water retention.

Carb s--different types yes. Some are on tap for use as fuel quicker than others-----------Diet 101

Sugars sweeteners--sucrose vs fructose....what DO YOU know ?

U don t work with HAZMAT S surely....
Eating clean is consuming raw, unprocessed foods and not foods that are made and packaged for the shelves.

Look at it this way, if a food rots in a few days - it will be easily broken down in the stomach and the nutrients will be partitioned readily.

Whereas if you have a processed meal that has had shite added to it to preserve it - and the 'best before' date is weeks away - the body is going to have a torrid time trying to break this meal down and digest it properly.

How the fuck can you expect your stomach acid to deal with shit that would survive a holocaust!?

But referring to your original post - estrogen is the reason why you look soft and smooth.

That can be controlled by a solid AI protocol - I proved this by running nothing but Test and Deca with Arimidex for a photoshoot last year.
Eating clean is consuming raw, unprocessed foods and not foods that are made and packaged for the shelves.

Look at it this way, if a food rots in a few days - it will be easily broken down in the stomach and the nutrients will be partitioned readily.

Whereas if you have a processed meal that has had shite added to it to preserve it - and the 'best before' date is weeks away - the body is going to have a torrid time trying to break this meal down and digest it properly.

How the fuck can you expect your stomach acid to deal with shit that would survive a holocaust!?

But referring to your original post - estrogen is the reason why you look soft and smooth.

That can be controlled by a solid AI protocol - I proved this by running nothing but Test and Deca with Arimidex for a photoshoot last year.

I don't think it matters for your body composition at all whether you eat raw, unprocessed food or food that is packaged for the shelves.

Why wouldn't your stomach acid deal fine with processed food?

Of course estrogen can be controlled by using an AI, but some people say if you eat clean you don't hold water, even on "wet cycles". Wondering how people here think about that.
I don't think it matters for your body composition at all whether you eat raw, unprocessed food or food that is packaged for the shelves.

Why wouldn't your stomach acid deal fine with processed food?

Of course estrogen can be controlled by using an AI, but some people say if you eat clean you don't hold water, even on "wet cycles". Wondering how people here think about that.

Trust me, I've had months of post-show issues with regard to gastrointestinal health and moving from 16 weeks of raw, unprocessed foods prepping for a show on to what you would class as a 'normal' diet.

If you try and eat the correct amount of calories and get the essential macronutrients in to gain muscle when you already weigh 200+ lbs - you have to eat every couple of hours.

The demands placed on your digestive system are colossal and even if you supplement with probiotics and digestive enzymes and even urge things along with psyllium husk fibre capsules, the process becomes long and arduous. Throw a processed packaged meal into the mix here and there and ask your stomach to break it up and partition it and you've got a recipe for disaster.

I've learnt from personal experience just how important it is to reverse diet cleanly after a show and how massively important it is to maintain a healthy gut flora environment and a positive biome with 'friendly' bacteria.

As for your macros are macros bullshit.... get a grip!

If you are running a calorie deficit and have restricted carbs to 100g a day and have to bang out a high intensity weights session plus some cardio - are you seriously trying to tell me that 100g of haribo's would give the same optimal performance as 100g of raw, clean unprocessed carbohydrates?

Think before the shite comes out of your mouth dude!
Trust me, I've had months of post-show issues with regard to gastrointestinal health and moving from 16 weeks of raw, unprocessed foods prepping for a show on to what you would class as a 'normal' diet.

If you try and eat the correct amount of calories and get the essential macronutrients in to gain muscle when you already weigh 200+ lbs - you have to eat every couple of hours.

The demands placed on your digestive system are colossal and even if you supplement with probiotics and digestive enzymes and even urge things along with psyllium husk fibre capsules, the process becomes long and arduous. Throw a processed packaged meal into the mix here and there and ask your stomach to break it up and partition it and you've got a recipe for disaster.

I've learnt from personal experience just how important it is to reverse diet cleanly after a show and how massively important it is to maintain a healthy gut flora environment and a positive biome with 'friendly' bacteria.

As for your macros are macros bullshit.... get a grip!

If you are running a calorie deficit and have restricted carbs to 100g a day and have to bang out a high intensity weights session plus some cardio - are you seriously trying to tell me that 100g of haribo's would give the same optimal performance as 100g of raw, clean unprocessed carbohydrates?

Think before the shite comes out of your mouth dude!

Sorry, but I won't just "trust you" on your word. I also do agree it is better to eat raw, unprocessed foods but don't think it matters as much as you think it does.

A carb is a carb. Nothing you can do about it. If you are running a calorie deficit and have restricted carbs to 100g a day and bang out a high intensity weights session plus some cardio it indeed will not matter as much as you think whether your carbs come from 100g of haribo's or optimal performance 100g of raw, clean unprocessed carbs. Of course your example is quite extreme and the 2nd option is better, you will not get enough (daily intake of) fiber etc. with the haribo's. Don't get me wrong, I eat rice, sweet potato's and lots of raw food. Don't ever touch candies like haribo's, but a carb is a carb.
Sorry, but I won't just "trust you" on your word. I also do agree it is better to eat raw, unprocessed foods but don't think it matters as much as you think it does.

A carb is a carb. Nothing you can do about it. If you are running a calorie deficit and have restricted carbs to 100g a day and bang out a high intensity weights session plus some cardio it indeed will not matter as much as you think whether your carbs come from 100g of haribo's or optimal performance 100g of raw, clean unprocessed carbs. Of course your example is quite extreme and the 2nd option is better, you will not get enough (daily intake of) fiber etc. with the haribo's. Don't get me wrong, I eat rice, sweet potato's and lots of raw food. Don't ever touch candies like haribo's, but a carb is a carb.

a carb is not a carb, natural carbs are way better than synthesized carbs, its commons sense, do your own thinking.
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I don't think it matters for your body composition at all whether you eat raw, unprocessed food or food that is packaged for the shelves.

Why wouldn't your stomach acid deal fine with processed food?

Of course estrogen can be controlled by using an AI, but some people say if you eat clean you don't hold water, even on "wet cycles". Wondering how people here think about that.

People also say that an AI stops gains, a SERM controls estrogen, and having a 2:1 ratio of test to deca will prevent deca dick.

All of those are false.

Water retention is caused by a few different factors, including estradiol being elevated and diet. I'm not going to touch the processed vs raw debate as Ben is MORE than capable of proving his point (dude has an unreal physique in his 40's), but I will comment on clean dieting preventing water retention regardless of estradiol.

Outside sodium, carbohydrates do cause the retention of water. (they're actually related, but I'll get to that) Carbs, regardless of type are first converted to glucose, then glycogen for later use. As glycogen is 2.7g of water per gram of glycogen, one can imagine just how quickly this adds up. Add to that the fact that the kidneys retain additional sodium in order to process this large volume of material, additional water is retained.

SO this means that you'd have to go ketogenic in order to prevent the use of glycogen and storage of sodium due to carb intake. (<20g of carbs per day)

But guess what?

You'll STILL retain water if you allow your estradiol to reach supraphysiological values. Why is this? Because estradiol changes the "thermostat" in your body for where it deems water plasma levels are optimal.

You cannot offset this by changing diet, unless you simply stop drinking water. But best of luck with that.

As I'm pretty sure you're looking for someone to toss a study at you, I'll oblige, but this is something a quick Google could have done for you. :p

Sex Hormone Effects on Body Fluid Regulation

My .02c :)
your nutrition has a direct correlation to the retention of water by your body.. carbs will make you bloat.. foods that cause inflammation will make you bloat.. digestive issues will make you bloat.. certain medications like cold medication and antibiotics will make you bloat... sodium will make you bloat..

but, estrogen will def make you bloat... the higher it is the more you hold.. you should be controlling estrogen on cycle regardless, so this shouldn't be an issue..

actually come to think of it, why would you be concerned with bloat from your nutrition (assuming the estrogen is under control on cycle)?? a little bit of bloat is actually good for you.. it helps prevent injury..

having said that, this isn't a question of "eating clean". there are sodium/carb load/deload protocols that you can use to naturally dry yourself out as much as possible.. but thats a whole different subject..

here is an article i wrote about proper weight and measurements protocol that i think is relative to your question

Proper Protocol for Weight and Measurements​

Over the years as a sports nutritionist I have seen many people get confused over the proper protocol of weights and measurements. What do I mean by weights and measurements? Weight would be the weight that you take to see if you are progressing in the journey to your goals. Measurements are the specific measurements you take with a tailors tape measure. I will discuss both and also cover the proper timing of weight and measurements to get the least biased results.

Biased results, what could you mean??

Well, there are a lot of factors that come into play in terms of your weight and how biased it can be. Water intake, sodium intake, bloat secondarily to hormone levels (high estrogen levels), carbohydrate intake, and time of weighing all play a factor in your weight. Lets cover them all.

Time of weighing
The time of day that you weigh yourself will play a heavy factor on the bias of your weight. It should be obvious that when you weigh yourself at night you will naturally weigh more than you did in the morning due to food and fluid intake. Your body will be carrying more weight that will be expelled. typically a person can weight 5-10lbs more at night than they do in the morning!!

Water intake
This is simple if you went from drinking very little water to a lot of water quickly your weight will go up. Your body does not have time to expel that water through the kidneys and it will hold on to what it can if you were dehydrated (hyper-volume state). It is wise to keep your water intake consistent. Usuaully a gallon a day is more than enough.

Sodium intake
Sodium, or salt, will play a factor on how much water your body holds. The more sodium you have in your system the more water your body wants to hold on to. If you ate a large salty meal expect to weigh more the next day due to bloat.

Bloat due to hormone levels
If you have high estrogen levels or an imbalance of hormones your body will hold water weight. Many body builders experience this with the use of steroids. Keep that in mind if you plan on cycling.

Carbohydrate intake
People seem to miss the obvious, its called carbo-HYDRATES for a reason. The more carbs you take in the more you will weigh. Carbs cause you to hold water weight!

Proper weighing and measuring Protocol
Your weight and measurements should always be taken first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything and after the bathroom if needed. This will cause the least biased weight so long as you have been following your diet strictly and not cheated. The weight should be taken once a week on the same day every time. If you cheat the day before with a high carb and salty food then your weight will be biased due to the bloat that comes with carbs and salt. Your weight should also always be taken the same day of the week especially if you are on a carb cycle type diet. With a carb cycle diet the weight should be taken the morning after the lowest carb day.

For example if your carb cycle looks like this:
Monday high day
Tuesday medium day
Wednesday low carb day
Thursday high day

You should be weighing yourself Thursday morning since Wednesday was your lowest carb day of the week and therefore has the least bias.


With a tailors tape measure, you should measure the following areas:
***8226; Neck
***8226; Chest
***8226; Stomach at belly button
***8226; Waist line (where your pants sit when worn properly)
***8226; Biceps with arms extended out to side
***8226; Thighs
***8226; Calves
***8226; Forearm 3 inches from elbow

With the above measurements you can get a more complete idea of how your body is changing. If your weight were to not be moving but your losing inches on your stomach and waist line that would be good news wouldn't it? Remember not to solely depend on weight or measurements only, you have to look at the big picture!
Thanks for the replies halfwit and 3J, that's what I thought myself pretty much but your explanations make it more clear.

Funny I got so many reports for that post against bigben :D