Important question for the docs


New member
Ok I am in day 5 of nolva and clomid theropy. Problem is I have a bad sinus infection that requires I take Methylpred, or Medrol. Now it seems to me that taking nolva and clomid with this stuff would not be a good idea. I mean everything works in a cycle, testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, glucocorticosteroids and so on. Just does not seem right to try to fix one part of the broken cycle and then break another part. Stoping the clomid and nolva should not be too bad, thats just another 5 days before I am recovered. Does it sould like I am doing the right thing.? Or should I continue with the nolva and clomid? I tried talking to my doc about this but he knew about as much about the endocrine system as my dog. Any advice?
Like most medications, including over-the-counter meds, prescription drugs, or drugs in clinical trials, Nolvadex and Clomid cause adverse effects in some people as well as unfavorable multiple drug reactions.

I don't believe that you should have any probs/negative drug reactions while combining either of these with Medrol and/or Methylpred.

I will however digress and allow Buffdoc to comment. This falls MORE in HIS arena than mine.

I'll let him know...........;)
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Hi bro,
While I'm not a big fan of Prednisone for sinusitis (it's an infection, right, so why not just antibiotics? The answer being, that people feel better, faster with corticosteroids, as the sinus mucosal membranes become less swollen). There are effects on the CNS, GI system, and they can cause insomnia.
That being said, if your going to use the Prednisone, i would just take the short course (I'm assuming it's a short, tapering dose), and continue with your Nolva/Clomid, you won't break anything ;-)
In other words, I agree with the inestimable DrVeeJay!
Let us know how it turns out.
Well here is my theroy. When you come off a cycle your body is in a very catabolic state, and cortisol levels are high. This makes it easy to contract infections. Now, taking clomid and nolva are supposed to bring the hpta back to normal, meaning much less catabolic and normal levels of cortisol. Pred on the other hand puts the body in a very catabolic state. Now it seems to me that using nolva/clomid is going against pred. Its all part of a cycle. Does this make any sense?

Just a little background: I have had 3 sinus surgeries in the past 3 years. I am only 21 years old. I am on a 4mg 6 day tapper of pred, along with a 5 day treatment of Zithromax. Now having delt with many ENT's and doctors in the past several years I believe that without proper drainage of the sinus cavities the infection wont go away, with or w/o antibiotics. My sinus cavities are fucked up enough as it is from all the surgeries in the past.

Now do you guys think I would be doing any harm in droping my clomid/nolva for 6 days then picking back up after my pred is finished?
IMO, you should continue with clomid/nolvadex.
The loss of gains post cycle is caused by hypogonadism...

The half life of Nolvadex is about 5-7 days, so even if you discontinue it you would still be on...
buffdoc said:
Hi bro,
While I'm not a big fan of Prednisone for sinusitis (it's an infection, right, so why not just antibiotics? The answer being, that people feel better, faster with corticosteroids, as the sinus mucosal membranes become less swollen). There are effects on the CNS, GI system, and they can cause insomnia.
That being said, if your going to use the Prednisone, i would just take the short course (I'm assuming it's a short, tapering dose), and continue with your Nolva/Clomid, you won't break anything ;-)
In other words, I agree with the inestimable DrVeeJay!
Let us know how it turns out.

SEE! That's my boy! :p
It's funny that the very think that makes you more susceptible to infection (cortisol) is the same thing they give you to cure it (prednisone -man-made cortisol).
Well its not really a cure for it, but rather, it helps drain the sinus cavities by reducing inflamation. That way the antibiotics are not fighting a loosing battle. Cortisol is a strange and complicated thing.