In deep $hit advice needed

rude bhoy

New member
Hi guys
I'm 33 and took propecia for hair loss fior a few years with in retrospect sides of ed, low libido and brain fog. Last year I cycled on and off the stuff a couple of times which might have made things worse, was self-medicating, before finally a two month run at the end of last year put me in hell.

Basically I had depression and poor libido then, when quitting on finally realising why, stopped the stuff and 'crashed' three weks later with awful ED and fatigue, insomnia, muscle wastage. Lost a stone in two months, put it back on in abdominal fat.

I am trying to get testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), here are my last bloods:

Total Test: 10.36 (scale 10-36)
SHBG: 23 (6-45)
LH 3.4 (1-12)
FSH 2.5 (1-12)
TSH 1.2 (0.2-5)
Free t4 15 (9-21)
Prolactin 116 (0-500)
Serum B12 204 (155-1100)
Cortisol 218 (280-720)

Anything stand out as to why I'm so screwed with muscle loss and total ed? What should I do next?
agreed - at about 250/week. Do NOT use anything but test and it should help.

From your resluts, you are not producing test. Your FSH and LH are working, but your nuts are not. seems testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) might be called for. what did your doc say about trt??

I would see a doc and do this right. At your age, permanent damage could occur.
hey man, I wanted to chime in on this because I am having the same exact problem. As far as levels.
In this situation you need to see a doc and he will most likely have you do an MRI to check your pituitary and hypothalmus. your testicles are not the problem as in cases of primary hypogonadism. It looks as if you have secondary hypogonadism aka Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, this is when it gets tricky the lh and fsh should NOT be in the normal or low range with low testosterone levels. When your body isen't producing enough test your pituitary will signal your body to produce mass amounts of lh and fsh to make up for lack of test. So that means that it its a pituitary issue and not in your testes. " Secondary hypogonadism is failure of the hypothalamus (or pituitary) to produce enough FSH and LH. With secondary hypogonadism, testosterone levels are low, but levels of FSH and LH are low or normal. Any acute systemic illness can cause temporary secondary hypogonadism."
I hope this helps.
Cheers guys yeah I have secondary hypo without a shadow of a doubt. Hopefully not something else like andrgen insensitivty! Should I not run hcg alongside to maintain fertility and testes size? If I can get rid of the ed that is...
Yeah tsh is low so is cortisol I may have adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism.
Seeing a world renowned endo soon, he uses t-gel though. Would injections work better? Will I put muscle back on and get rid of the stomach fat.
There's no comparison between Injections and Gel. Gel sucks ASS!!
see a doctor bro 1 thats familiar with gear! that way you can be straight up with him, sports med. Doc. will get you on the right track! good luck
hey man, I wanted to chime in on this because I am having the same exact problem. As far as levels.
In this situation you need to see a doc and he will most likely have you do an MRI to check your pituitary and hypothalmus. your testicles are not the problem as in cases of primary hypogonadism. It looks as if you have secondary hypogonadism aka Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, this is when it gets tricky the lh and fsh should NOT be in the normal or low range with low testosterone levels. When your body isen't producing enough test your pituitary will signal your body to produce mass amounts of lh and fsh to make up for lack of test. So that means that it its a pituitary issue and not in your testes. " Secondary hypogonadism is failure of the hypothalamus (or pituitary) to produce enough FSH and LH. With secondary hypogonadism, testosterone levels are low, but levels of FSH and LH are low or normal. Any acute systemic illness can cause temporary secondary hypogonadism."
I hope this helps.

name an "acute systematic illness" that causes this please??