"inbody" bf machine


I am ******!
Have any of you heard of this machine? I just moved scored a new gym membership for super cheap! So tomorrow there checking me for free its some device you stand on and hold handles i think, its supposed to check lean mass water all that good stuff.

Fucken pumped got my first workout in over a week and finally pinned my precious tren. They even got a tractor tire im gonna start tossing around! You guys think this machine is accurate? ?
I heard it was a piece of shit. The tractor tire is good stuff though..

Exactly what i was afraid to here i know thise hand held ones put me at a rediculous anount of bf because of my weight i really want to find out my true bf
Impedance based machines are worthless. Will vary by a factor of two based on how dry your skin is.
They're good for tracking progress, but tend to be pretty inaccurate. Yes, most cities will have access to a dexa scan - but of course pricing is going to vary significantly.