increase creatine during cycle


New member
just wondering if you guys adjust dosages of creatine while on cycle, or leave it the same as usual? thanks.
just wondering if you guys adjust dosages of creatine while on cycle, or leave it the same as usual? thanks.
You only need 3-5g a day on or off cycle brother. Theres no added benifit to upping that dose at least as far as Im concerned. I ran at monohydrate at 20g a day way back just to see if I noticed a difference and the only difference I noticed was my stomach hurt and I shit a lot more. So added benefit in recovery or growth.
Besides being a little tough on your kidneys, I don't take much anymore. However there is some in my c4 preworkout drink Im guessing
As Schredder stated, once you reach saturation - it's pointless to increase it further. I love the stuff as it's a cheap yet effective way to increase performance, but I'm staying away due to the fact it increases water weight and I'm engaging in WW96 with the bathroom scale atm. :wiggle:
creatine mono is honestly useless i came off it to see if il drop in strenght and nothinggg. if anything its not worth it imo

Do you think everybody else is wrong ? Must people make it a staple in their workout sups. There is tons of scientific research done to probe your opionion wrong my friend. Maybe you got crap creatine or maybe you didn't take it daily like your suppose to. Only you know but the stuff does work.
I generally dont really take it anymore but it does help. If i load for 5 days and then go down to 5g a day after a week i will without a doubt gain 5 lbs. Yes its water weight but it does help me gain some strength. Its quite obvious actually
I have heard not everyone responds the same though.
I think with Creatine, you get what you pay for...

There's tons of bargain basement monohydrate on the shelves being practically given away... but I doubt this stuff will give any results other than a hectic toilet schedule!

Personally, I stick to 3g Creatine Hydrochloride twice daily (pre and post workout) - I find the HCL form of creatine gives no little to no bloat, easier on the gut, no water retention and proven for results in the gym.
If you UTUBE creatine you will find out all the dos and donts. No need to load, just 5gs a day for guys 200lbs and up. Just buy the 100% pure creatine and that's all you need. Onve you mix it, drink it immediately cause it loses potency if it's mixed and sits a while.
Do you think everybody else is wrong ? Must people make it a staple in their workout sups. There is tons of scientific research done to probe your opionion wrong my friend. Maybe you got crap creatine or maybe you didn't take it daily like your suppose to. Only you know but the stuff does work.


and OP i just rec 3-5g ed year round ( or 8-10 months on, then off)