Increase My T Client Review


New member
I am a long time lurker, new poster here and a new client of Increase My T.

Here is an honest review for anyone nervous about trying them or those who have had issues.

I had a bit of a delay with my first order. As a new client I was very nervous as days turned into weeks and I feared the worst as I believe most would.

Needless to say, Todd and I had a conversation about this and he kept his word and kept me abreast of the order which DID arrive.

I placed my second order, and now they have a new system in place to make things much faster and for whatever bad luck can be; I ended up being one of only like 2 who didn't get their stuff right away.

Guess what? Todd let me know what was going on and this was on a Friday afternoon and my stuff arrived by Tuesday.

So, for whatever delay there could have been on the prescribing end it was addressed swiftly.

Now, you may wonder why I would put in a great review that my first two orders were delayed. Well, this is because so many people are fearful. "Where's my stuff?" gets called out and so many fear they won't get their stuff or the company somehow has not lived up to any of its promise.

I put all of this here because so many see all reviewers as shills or something like that and I am no such thing. I am a real guy who asked "Where's my stuff?" just like you would or will. I am the same guy who wanted to be sure I was going to be taken care of.

I was.

I am a normal guy like you, with EXTREMELY low T. My number without any exogenous T is 82.

That is right. 82. I am age 38 and have the natural T of a menopausal 55 year old woman.

So, let us get into the process.

You will get with Todd, determine your needs by way of blood work. He will go over programs available, pricing and go from there.

I had my consultation with their Doctor and it was a thorough consultation with a Doctor who actually gives a damn about you and getting you to feeling better.

From there, your prescription is sent to the pharmacy and with the new system in place you are seriously looking at 3 days.


That is it.

I did not get mine in 3 days but it was a glitch and it was taken care of SWIFTLY and I had my order only a few days later. I am willing to bet that my next order will arrive in 3 days. I have no doubts at all.

This is a rock solid company to deal with. Todd will be in contact with you and you will get your order.

I am a real person and am as wary of dealing with companies I have not dealt with as anyone else and I am telling you that Increase My T is a fantastic company to deal with.

They will work with you. They will take care of you. You will get your stuff.

Things can happen. It's life. But you need a company who sticks with you and doesn't just tell you to pound sand.

I cannot praise Increase My T enough and if you have had doubts about becoming a new client, I am telling you to cast those aside and make the call.

I am no shill. I do not praise companies who do not provide an excellent manner of customer service.

I will, however, praise Increase My T and tell you to get with them today.
First of all WELCOME TO OLOGY!!!!

Thank you so much for the review we really appreciate it, glad you finally posted, hope you can share more.
Welcome! TT of 82 is incredibly low. So are you just starting TRT or where you on TRT previously before going with IMT?