Increase test dose mid cycle. Questions.


New member
So this is my first cycle, I am using 500mg/week test e from pinn along with 500IU HCG/week (split into 2 injections) and 6.125mg aromasin/ed. I also take 8IU humalin R slin pre workout. I know insulin is unsafe, this is not my first insulin cycle. Please don't sidetrack this post with insulin talk lol.

I am 185 pounds, 7-8% bf, 5' 11", 24 years old. Natural test was pretty high when I got bloodwork done at around 1100. I hope to get back to that eventually after ending cycle.

I have only gained maybe 4-5 pounds in 5 weeks. Honestly I was gaining close to that on insulin alone. People have been telling me my physique looks better, and it does, but not NEARLY enough for this to be worth the sides/cost of cycling. I have 2 extra bottles of test and I am trying to figure out what will be better for my body long term, specifically test shut down. I have no issues with sides right now besides very minor back acne, little bit of sex drive loss, and testicle shrinkage.

Here is my question:
What will shut me down worse? If I up my dosage to 750mg/week and continue for 5 more weeks for a total of 10 week cycle followed by Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast and clomid 50/50/50/50..... OR keep dosage at 500mg and increase cycle length to 12+ weeks?

Again all I care about is that I have a succesful PCT and that my natural test production rebounds as quickly as possible.

Another option I will throw out there even though I don't think I would want to do it is my friend has some Mdrol he said I could have, but my liver enzymes were bad when I got bloodwork done, probably from years of drinking. I also still drink once/week 4-5 drinks while on cycle. I know this is bad, but I am in college and can't really help it lol. I guess if mdrol was really worth taking, I could quit drinking altogether for my cycle, but I'd hate to do that to be honest.

*edit. This is pinnacle gear just fyi.

Thanks guys!!!
If your shutdown at 500mg/week, I think it would be the same as being shutdown at 750mg/week. I would up the dose to 750mg like you think you should do and run that for 12 weeks. You may have used overdosed gear for your previous cycle and now that you have properly dosed gear you are just going to have to up the dosage.
The gear is from JB at pinnacle directly. On top of that I couldn't have run overdosed gear my last cycle because this is my first AAS cycle lol. Please guys can I get some more advice on this? My cycle is halfway over and I have seen little to no results despite eating and training well for most of those 5 weeks. Come on bros!!!!! Will upping to 750 for the remaining 5 weeks or increasing cycle length shut me down much worse than if I stick with 500? Will I see much more results at 750?
Don't worry about being shutdown. This is a simple test cycle without deca/tren which really shut you down. Increasing your test dosage will increase side effects. You should stick with the recommended first cycle dosage of 500mg/week and if you wish you can get blood work and that doesn't lie.
up the test to 750mgs or 1g,i wouldnt go with the mdrol if your ganna do an oral take some anadrol50

he shudnt need to do that if hes not growing off or gaining ANY weight off the gear dose he has now

its either food
or shit gear

and stop taking a fucking Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if you are
the difference between 500mg and 750mg of test per week will be very minimal, especially if just for 5 weeks.

U may think u are eating right or well or whatever u call it, but I highly doubt u are. Eat more food, more often and train heavy... no shortcuts

if u are really 7% there i no reason to be that lean at anytime during the year unless u are competing... so I doubt that ur bf% is that low. Guys on the Mr. O stage are 5-7%...

oh... and at 185lbs u got no bizness running slin
I got my bf taken twice and was 6.8% and 7.3%. The 8 point test where you stand on thing barefoot and put your hands on probes. I eat pretty damn well. at least 4 meals a day and 3-4 shakes/bars/large quantities of milk/raw eggs per day. I thought guys on the O stage were down to 3-4%?

When you say train heavy are you saying heavy weight low reps? I've heard people say that on cycle a lot of people respond better to higher reps around 15 for some exercises. I am around 8-13 reps per set to past fatigue. Also I typically train 6 days a week, but people keep pushing me to train 4ish days per week talking about needing rest and over training which I've always kind of thought was bullshit. I've been training maybe 4-5 days on average now though. I really think the drinking had something to do with not gaining.

I am taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Vader69. low dose 6.125mg/day. I got tired of girls telling me my face looked fat.
4 meals a day isn't enough. Should be at least 6 big meals, you should be eating a big meal every 2-3 hrs, enough to where you aren't even able to fit a shake in. You should not be drinking 3-4 shakes/bars etc. a day, you need to be getting your protein, carbs etc. from your food not from shakes. Your body needs the nutrition from food.

I don't know what that BF test you're talking about with fucking probes but, the only 3 BF tests I know of are skin caliper, underwater, and DEXA (x-ray). Most of the devices you get at the store that don't work have those "probes" I think and none of those accurately test BF. I had got one of those, and it even has an excellent rating on amazon but, it's completely inaccurate and says I'm an 11% and I knew I couldn't be, then I went to a fitness institute to get measured, and they did it with skin caliper and underwater testing and both were very close around 15%

I got my bf taken twice and was 6.8% and 7.3%. The 8 point test where you stand on thing barefoot and put your hands on probes. I eat pretty damn well. at least 4 meals a day and 3-4 shakes/bars/large quantities of milk/raw eggs per day. I thought guys on the O stage were down to 3-4%?

When you say train heavy are you saying heavy weight low reps? I've heard people say that on cycle a lot of people respond better to higher reps around 15 for some exercises. I am around 8-13 reps per set to past fatigue. Also I typically train 6 days a week, but people keep pushing me to train 4ish days per week talking about needing rest and over training which I've always kind of thought was bullshit. I've been training maybe 4-5 days on average now though. I really think the drinking had something to do with not gaining.

I am taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Vader69. low dose 6.125mg/day. I got tired of girls telling me my face looked fat.
I got this done at a health center at my university. I go to a private school and everything is pretty state of the art here. I would think it would be at least close to accurate. I'll post a pic so you guys can see where I'm at.

I also said at least 4 meals a day, the in betweens aren't always shakes. like I said, tons of milk, raw eggs etc. I'll drink 6-7 egg whites plus like a half container of cottage cheese in between meals. Either way, I'll step it up. Gonna eat more and increase test to 750mg/week 375X2 times per week and I'll keep the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 6.125 even though im increasing test and see how that goes.

Thanks for the tips guys.
oh another thing. I did gain like 4-5 pounds in the first week and a half, but I think it was mostly water weight. When I started taking Aromatase inhibitor (AI) every day @ 6.125mgED I lost like 3 pounds right off the bat. I don't have a whole lot of water weight now, so maybe that is part of the reason I don't weigh a lot more.