Increasing Testosterone mid cycle


New member
Just curious as to how this would work, as I haven't seen anyone asking before. Say I took Test E 600mg for four weeks and decided the gains were coming slower than expected and I increased the test a few hundred MG of so.....would that work or not be worth it? Would it take too long for the more test to kick in? Better off adding an oral seems to me, but say that isn't an option
U should've use prop for faster kick in. Now enanthate is fully going in your system so, expect gains from next week
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Both on point^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Patience is paramount playing poundage proliferation.

Either in muscle mass gained or weights being moved .

It s the food dude.
I believe its pointless at all to increase doses on long ester gear. What you start with you should finish with. If you want to increase or decrease doses use short esters
Try using a blood level calculator to see for yourself. Not supposed to post links, so search roidcalc on google, first one that pops up.

I assumed you are pinning twice a week and put in 600mg/wk with half life 10.5. Blood levels don't peak out until after week 10, and by week 4 you are only at about 66/86 = 76% of the way there. Most of your 4 weeks was well under.

Same logic will apply if you up your dose, it will take ~10 additional weeks to peak out.

I know most of the vets on here are not fans of frontloading long esters, but that's one way to get up on the curve much faster.
Not to bash you, but really if you have done any research you would know that it will be week 5-6 when you will see the compound with the ester of Enanthate working.

Also what do you expect your body is going to accomplish in GROWTH, meaning the production of new and greater muscle mass in 4 weeks. Taking into mind the diet the training , the added AAS and the rest. Just what do you expect in 4 weeks. AAS is not a magic pill it only helps your metabolism in the synthesis of all I just mentioned.

Be patient man and judge your true gains two months after PCT and the shedding of all the water.

I EDIT : OP, as was said , if you want a boost plug in some Prop. I do it al the time at different weeks sometimes during my cycles.
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