infection sign


New member
any way possible to tell if theres an infection after the injection??

i pinned 7 days ago...swelled up alot but has come down alot also but there is still a good size lump in the glute area

there is no sign of redness or anything
little bit of pain

im unsure on what to look for on signs
If you don't have a fever after this amount of time don't worry, its not infected. Massage the area and use hot compress. Next injection make sure the pin is in 95%... assuming its a 1.5 incher. Thats should take care of that problem I think.
Injection depth should not make any difference. I inject oils sub Q, IM, and variations of shallow and deep IM just to try it out.

It could be cellulitis, basically red, painful, swollen, which is an infection in the cells. An abcess would be different and can be sterile, from a non living source such as a drug or the oil not being full absorbed, so it stays where it's at, and as opposed to staying a ball of puss, it will scar and become a hard lump.

A non sterile abcess would be from bacteria of some sort due to non sterile pinning, or a contaminated vial. This would be red, hot, swollen, possible fever, skin would indent when pushed on and be slow to return to normal shape.

I'm sure I've had non sterile abcess before, have had solid lumps form in delts. Basically I was injecting to much to often and likely did not have all the oil be absorbed.

Just make sure to be sterile. That means wiping the vials tops, and the area to be injected everytime. Use a new needle with each inject. I personally don't like to use the same needle to draw and pin. Using a pin to inject, then drawing another ml with the same pin and injecting another spot could contaminate your vial by something like skin flora. Pins are cheap and easy to get. I'll admit I get lazy about getting them and I can order from my couch or stop at a local pharmacy, but I'll just skip an injection before I'd reuse a pin. I know a guy who uses every pin 2-3 times and can't understand why.
Thanks for the info User, I thought a SubQ injection of an oil would create an abscess which explains the lump.

What oil is injected SubQ?
I just inject small doses, .5ml of test E/C, just as a new spot. This is starting to be a common TRT practice because of the small amount, but also said to absorb slower and provide more steady blood levels. I kinda like it but I basically get 300mg of test thru that method, .5ml = 150mg

But thinking about it, I wonder if something like 2ml would eventually cause a sterile abcess. The whole point is the area not having as much blood flow so it absorbs slower, which is thought to keep T and E2 more stable, but if there was to much oil I bet it would abcess so technically you are right and I should have been much more specific as to the small amount.

Good call.
i draw with a 20g tip and switch tip over to a 25g tip at 1 inch to pin

clean the vial and the area being injected

im going to try the hot water and massage the area, hopefully it will atleast take the swelling down

thanks guys for the advice!!!
ive injected quads before, and the day after there is a big red patch on my leg and its itchy , stayed there for 3 days , then went away , day after it went away i started getting a bruise all the way down by my knee , that went away too after a day or 2 , very strange but not infection. look for fever , swelling , redness , pain , discoloration of your skin, itchy , and it doesnt go away , give it a few days , if its not gone in a week , see a doctor and try to get anti-biotics .
horizon out of florida...this is my first cycle 400mg per ml test it may have been due to high ba?
worst i've gotten was the "egg" sized lump but it went away within 3-4 days. might be because I moved the needle around a bit by accident when injecting
Doesn't sound like an infection. Do a lot of heat pad and hot shower on the spot.
Heat treatment 3-5 times a day for 20m should take care of it.