Info on Mass Tabs - vs- A-P -vs- Superdrol

Chicago Made

New member
I'm pretty sure I'm going to run a cycle of Mass Tabs (from the reseach I've done a lot of people seem to love it) and was wondering what else, if anything, I should run with it.

I've got Milk Thistle, but that's about it.

Also, anyone here use them themselves? Anabolic Pump, Superdrol or Mass Tabs?

See, I have to get what I can legally cause my guy got all religious and shit on me. And I'm not into taking chances unless I'm 100%. So, I am basically asking what is the best legal shit on the market as close to test as I can possibly get?
Superdrol works very well, just be sure to take post cycle therapy (pct) seriously as this is important to keep gains and get nuts back on track.
i don't think any of that shit works, i've done halodrol, superdrol, phera plex all before they were made illigal, and they all sucked ass, halodrol was the only half decent one and i still didnt see anything, work out and eat ur balls of until you can man up and take the pins, then you know you're ready to get charged up...........

if u were to choose any of them, make sure u do use the milk thistle, and get some nolvadex or something for post...
here you go. im on mass tabs by IDS, im on my 7th day. im allready up 5 pounds and am seeing gains ain mass and strength. this is my first prohormone ive taken and so far am very impressed with results. make sure what ever you do get some nolva or clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) cause this is some pretty potent stufff. and run some b6 ed if you see any gyno issues.