Information needed please.


New member
First off as stated in my introduction if this thread needs moved or deleted please feel free to, and if possible pm the reason why and right place for it to be discussed.

I have never used any enhancements. I have a friend that i can get sus 250 from. What my ququestions are is as following.

1) of course purchase the product.
2) what else do I need to purchase with it?
3) at 37 yes old and 140lbs what is the most effective way to use it?
4) I am a roofer and curious if this will help or hurt it?
5) where can I find detailed information on how to use this to the tee?
6) I really want to benefit from this as much as possible, so how can I do that?
7) is there a thread on pricing to make sure I'm not overpaying? Doesn't really matter though cause have no clue to where else to get it.
8) at 140lbs how much can I expect to gain each week for 10 weeks?

I appreciate as much info as possible that I can get.
My friend it sounds like you are looking to endeavor on the TRT expedition. Search the stickies and you shall find them.

Prices vary. If he is a true friend, he will give you the cut and dry with a legitimate product.

Messing with hormones is no joke, it can either benefit you, or screw you up. Make sure you have your ducks in a row.
At 140lbs anybody here is gonna strongly suggest you stabilize a diet that is gonna allow for a better result and overall health for yourself.

I am sure Megatron and a few other vets will stop in to help you out. Good luck!
First off as stated in my introduction if this thread needs moved or deleted please feel free to, and if possible pm the reason why and right place for it to be discussed.

I have never used any enhancements. I have a friend that i can get sus 250 from. What my ququestions are is as following.

1) of course purchase the product.
2) what else do I need to purchase with it?
3) at 37 yes old and 140lbs what is the most effective way to use it?
4) I am a roofer and curious if this will help or hurt it?
5) where can I find detailed information on how to use this to the tee?
6) I really want to benefit from this as much as possible, so how can I do that?
7) is there a thread on pricing to make sure I'm not overpaying? Doesn't really matter though cause have no clue to where else to get it.
8) at 140lbs how much can I expect to gain each week for 10 weeks?

I appreciate as much info as possible that I can get.

2, 3, 4, 5, 8) There are a lot of Sticky Threads in the Anabolic Forum. First thing you should do is give those a read. You should also read all the Steroid Profiles starting with the one on Sustanton.

Sustanon 250 |

I am not a big fan of Sustanton personally because it is a blend of esters (make sure you read up on esters too) and it will also require every-other-day injections. There is also a very long wait before you can start PCT.

6) You would benefit by working out hard during this time and having a good diet in place. If you are unsure about dieting for a cycle, you should consult with a guy called 3J. He has helped a lot of guys here get their diet dialed in and he is a Moderator too. Here is a link to his site and you will see his ad on the right hand side of you screen.

3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

7) Please read the site rules. Asking for sources and price talk is not permitted.

Finally, if your friend is only offering to sell you Sustanton and he didn't talk to you about how to use it or what else to take with it for a cycle, you should steer clear of him. It sounds like he may not know how to use it himself and he would likely give you terrible advice. There is a lot more to running a cycle than injecting some gear into one of your large muscles. You came to the right place to get started; but this whole process works a lot better if you do some homework first.
Get your blood work first before you do anything. This will establish a baseline and its possible at your age you have low T. If you do have low T it will be extremely hard to maintain gains from your cycle esp in your line of work! I used to do roofing and I was constantly eating just to keep my weight and then at the end of the day my workouts were weak cause I was tired. Niot saying you can't hack it tho, that was just me.
I would suggest first consult a physician about your overall health and than think to buys such things. Because if you get wrong somehwere you have to suffer a lot in future.

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Thanks for the reply and I look forward to hearing from anyone with some more valuable information.

telling you to read the stickies in the aas section IS THE MOST valuable comment you could get...
the threads that are always on top of the aas section, they are stickies. read them and do some research before asking questions that have been asked millions of times. we are here to help, but not spoon feed.

here are two examples from the top i mean: