Injectable Carnosine

Ok, we might be able to put this one to bed. Aparently, there is no difference in the action of carnosine whether it's taken orally or IM inj. However, it is water soluble so if any of you chuckleheads want to give this a whirl for the heck of it, there you go.
Well a lot of times getting a appreciable dose of something is hard via solution. Mnay things arent soluble beyond half a gram per ml, and depending on carnosine's dosages (no clue btw could be mcg's for all I know) it might just be better overall to swallow it up.
TxLonghorn said:

Pretty interesting stuff, I also went off on a tangent looking into hydrogen peroxide, and I seem to get some conflicting advice with respect to taking it. In the one article about the vit c iv drip, it states that you would never want to take hydrogen peroxide in an iv or something like that, and that it could damage the kidneys, etc. And in other articles, I am reading where doctors are giving it to people via iv drips, etc. And some are ingesting it mixed with distilled water, etc. These people taking the hyd. peroxide this way seem to get wonderful results, etc., so I am wondering what the problem is, or is there really one?

I too am confused by this. About a year ago I started reading about IV peroxide use. The gamut of ailments it can supposedly alleviate is impressive. But I've been stuck on the same point you bring up, and I'm now even more confused after reading the info on Vit C IV's. My main confusion is that Vit C is an ANTI-oxidant, which we have all learned is a good thing. So it seems reasonable that high doses would provide some benefit. However, the proponents of IV peroxide often refer to it as "bio-oxidative" medicine, because it significantly increases levels of oxygen in the blood/tissues. That is, H202 works as a PRO-oxidant. This apparently kills off all sorts of nasty critters (cancer, etc.) which cannot thrive in an oxygen rich environment. This is also the basis behind hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments.

So it seems at first glance that Vit C and H202 would have opposite actions in the body. And now I read that the mechanism by which IV Vit C works is that it converts to H202??? So I'm officially lost. You guys are obviously chemical brainiacs and I'd love to see this conversation extended further.

For the record, I live in the Denver area and found this clinic:

Although they don't mention it on the website, they do use IV peroxide treatments there. I am seriously considering trying it out, but really want to get this issue cleared up in my head about what is happening in the body during this treatment, and why I'm putting all these anti-oxidant pills into my body on a regular basis if the real secret to health is through oxidation.

If you do a search on "bio-oxidative medicine" you'll find other info as well.