Injected Test Prop, and Im sore as shit. I need answers ,


New member
Never taken prop before today.

I took my test prop shot in the quad a little less than half way down the leg toward the outside of the leg. The day after was sore, and today its sore, but it is only sore below the point at which i injected. Above the injection it doens't hurt at all. No discoloration of skin, dont see any infection. Just a red dot from injecting. Which I think is normal.

I am thinking it is the test p that has ran downward throught my leg muscle and where my body isn't use to it, it is sore only below for this reason.

Also, should I go ahead an inject in my ass?

Can you experinced guys help a brother out?
The oil is not going to run down through the muscle. You feel refered pain down the leg. People with hip pathology frequently complain more of knee pain than hip. Some concept.

I don't have any problems with the propionate, it is little sore but no big deal. Stretching helps, I also happen to sit in a hot tub 2 times /day. I usually inject after sitting in the hot tub so everything is pretty lose.

Stretch it and alternate heat with cool. Massage it.

What is it with all the injection problems?
Ok am I the only one who noticed a hundred PAIN after injection threads in two days. Guys do your research. This is common in some people with prop and all the other threads on this same topic will give you the answer you are looking for.
ok am i the only one who noticed a hundred pain after injection threads in two days. Guys do your research. This is common in some people with prop and all the other threads on this same topic will give you the answer you are looking for.

im only 18 dont have much time to research