Injectible winny is not 17-aa !!!

swift ninja

New member
Injectible Winstrol (winny) is not 17-aa !!!

The only reason a compound would be 17-alpha alkalated is to bypass the liver's deactivation of the substance.

Injecting Winstrol (winny) or any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will bypass your liver and will be directly absorbed by your muscles and bloodstream.
swift ninja said:
Injectible Winstrol (winny) is not 17-aa !!!

The only reason a compound would be 17-alpha alkalated is to bypass the liver's deactivation of the substance.

Injecting Winstrol (winny) or any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will bypass your liver and will be directly absorbed by your muscles and bloodstream.

Whatever you say.
With the structural (c17-AA) alteration, the tablets will also place a higher level of stress on the liver than the injectable (which avoids the "first pass"). During longer or higher dosed cycles, liver values should therefore be watched closely through regular blood work. Although less common, there is still a possibility of liver damage occuring with the injectable form. While it does not enter the body through the liver, it is still broken down by it, providing a lower (but more continuous) level of stress.

thats a quote from Steroidology steroid profiles about Winstrol. Now if im wrong then, Steroidology is wrong.

I just use logic bro..its damn obvious.

whats up with you posting my own post? you got a problem with something I said than say it on the post, dont try to flame me when you dont know yourself. ok son?
swift ninja said:
thats a quote from Steroidology steroid profiles about Winstrol. Now if im wrong then, Steroidology is wrong.

I just use logic bro..its damn obvious.

whats up with you posting my own post? you got a problem with something I said than say it on the post, dont try to flame me when you dont know yourself. ok son?

Why don't you take your fucking attitude and shove it up your ass. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about and giving out info like this is dangerous. If you knew anything at all, which you obviously don't, you wouldn't even be arguing this. So go back and talk with your gym buddies about how you are going to get ripped on your wistrol cycle and how all the guys on the message boards don't know shit compared to you.
Oral and injectible Winstrol (winny) are identical compounds. If Winstrol (winny) wasn't 17aa alklated it would be an entirely different steroid.
swift ninja said:
thats a quote from Steroidology steroid profiles about Winstrol. Now if im wrong then, Steroidology is wrong.

I just use logic bro..its damn obvious.

That quote you posted from the profiles here, goes directly against what you are trying in vain to argue.............what are you thinking ??

And show some respect around here !!
LOL I cant have an intelligent conversation nemore...

i never knew the MODs would stoop so low.. do you guys clean each others asses too?

whats so dangerous about what I said? what danger does it pose? lol...

thats some great advice you got for the people here, why dont you provide a shread of evidence proving to me that injectible Winstrol (winny) is c17 methylated?

what Im saying is based on Steroidology information man, so FUCK YOU about what I know.

And your attitude is pertty bad too, fix it b4 someone kicks it. haha

if you gay ass MODS are gonna act like this, then FUCK YOU ALL, you think I need any of this?

I enjoy helping poeple in the same situtaion as me, thats why I post. Maybe if I made a mistake you can come up with some intelligent arguements to back it up, instead you MODs do some bitch shit like this? Im dissapointed....

who said I know more than everybody? dude stop saying shit that I didnt say and conversate like a man, not a fuckin little girl.
no respect for anyone who doesnt reciprocate, and no respect for someone who doesnt deserve it. aight?

so ban me you bitches, haha
They conceal information about these things in books... Try to read one or two and know what your talking about before posting things like this... And yes it is dangerous... Just like asprin, tylenol, and just about every other drug out there in the wrong unedjucated hands is dangerous.
swift ninja said:
I just use logic bro..its damn obvious.

To be honest I'm not quite seeing what logic that is, I'm not being an ass I'm seriously missing the link here.
See this is where I give props to board monitors(I mean even some of the ones on all boards) . But I especially see a level of patience here. Not only do they see the same tired worn out shit that has been posted and debated a million times,but they still take the time to answer.
Then you have some clueless fuck(which is bad enough) wanting to argue something from some dumb as shit standpoint who not only is uninformed but is really just stupid/dumb/can't comprehend simple logic speaking of his logical deductioins....along with these weekend beachboys who have worked out a fe weeks/months and are"REady to get big!" ....And this especially goes out to board owners - How the fuck do you keep it together? LOl Son-OF- A - BITCH! lol

I start feeling like I literally hate people and want to do them bodily harm. Yeah I know it's stupid on my part. It's just the unfucking believable amount of stupid questions that flows non-stop. Not just the shit that has been debated and shown to be true or false through tons of literature/med abstracts where there just isn't even anything to debate(though knowledge of many things keep evolving and some things will always be left to interpretation).
But the shit that has been gone over & over with posts right underneath of it where it's been debated and concluded ! I.E. day after godamn day"Can you drink winny=the equivolent of this assholes post.
I would just pack it up & smash my montior and figure there is a hopeless breed out there who needs to leave the gene pool. Damn LOL