Injection site.


New member
I see alot of different opinions on where to inject in the glute.I see one site that is on the side of the glute down low almost to the leg.kinda right above the socket .This site is suggested when someone else is administering.This is where I did mine.Had no problem,then I see a spot that up alot shown here one more dangerous then the other?Whats the consensus.tell me where you do it...
It is a big muscle so there are lots of places to inject. Around the center is usually best though because it has the most room there. For quads that isn't always the case, fewer nerves and veins higher up.

Try this
If you're talking upper, outer quadrant (UOQ) and the ventro-gluteal approach, they are both very safe and easy.
Many shy away from the ventro-glute because they haven't learned the anatomy. It's a good site, may be easier for guys w/ huge lats that can't twist around to hit the UOQ.