Injection Soreness


Adapt & Overcome
OK so I was commenting on the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum on a thread similar to this one but I didnt want to hijack the thread so I created a new one. My friend injected 1cc of Test E on Wednesday in my left glute and it was sore the following day. I worked out legs yesterday and it was OK. Could it be my gear? American Pharmaceuticals test enanthate 300mg/ml? Its mixed with sesame oil, grape oil, and something else..
It's normal to be sore. You're making a puncture wound into your skin and muscle and injecting a foriegn substance into your body. After your first couple of time it really won't be sore at all. It's called virgin muscle syndrome
It's normal to be sore. You're making a puncture wound into your skin and muscle and injecting a foriegn substance into your body. After your first couple of time it really won't be sore at all. It's called virgin muscle syndrome

This, I am on my 5th pin (1st cycle) and I still get alil sore for about a day. Just a muscle soreness, not like an injection soreness. I got the same soreness when I got my flu shot last winter in my delt. hahah
He is all good bro
Definatly youll get used and the soreness will dissapear eventually.First 2 injections in glute i coudn't sit on a chair,then i had one bad idea and injected my quad,i couldnt walk for 2 days,but now after almost 5 weeks i get no soreness regarding glute injections,everything is smooth.
OK, cool. I thought I was doing something wrong. "Virgin Muscle".. Broscience practice is high on Ology. LOL

Thank you all for your replies. Very much appreciated.
You need to make sure u inject slowly,injecting it fast will cause for the gear to be in one spot, massage before and after!
I wonder if vaginas experience the same thing, as far as being penetrated and injected with foreign substances.
I remember having a penicillin shot in my glute and it was horrible felt like a golf ball hit my ass shot out of a cannon or something for like 2 days. I have injected B12 IM no pain at all. Just did first pin test today and feels like the fuckin needle broke off and stuck in my shoulder.