injury during cycle : advice please


New member
Hi everybody
I planned and started a cycle as following:

week 1-2: 75 mg dermatrest ed
weeks 3 -6: 75 mg dermatrest + 75 mg dermatren ed
week 7-8 75 mg dermatrest + 75 mg dermatren ed + sustanon 300 1 ml twice/week
weeks 9-15 75 mg dermatren + sustanon 300 1 ml twice/week

everything was going perfectly till week 8 (last week) when shit happened.

I badly injured my knee (i broke my patellar tendon).
2 days ago i had surgery and I hope I will be able to come back in the gym next week, obviously i won't be able to stand up, so only exercises with machines and not a lot of weight will be possible (bearing the pain)

during next weeks i will take
sodic enoxaparin

Now my questions:

1) do you think I should finish my cycle as planned (week 9 is lost, let's say) or should i go directly to pct ?

2) do you think the injury could be linked to substances used?

3) the vial i started still has 7 ml of sustanon, how long could it last to be reused in future?
Welcome to the boards! Sorry to hear about your mosfortune. What stats can you share with us?