i turned it on (the PMs). i just forgot...
16%, just seen it this morning... i knew i was under the BF i was last year 18%.
my next goal is 245lbs 12-13% bf i will see. pix will follow the results as usualy.
i known it was wiked to me to continue on bodybuilding when i was on injury, but i took time for treatment. and i was right, but it was very hard to keep a good moral during this period. it's, for what i experienced, the most difficult, cause you see yourself decreasing weks after weeks, and the pain still there, when you wake-up till you go bed...
now i amke a lot of stretch and i be aware to all sign of soreness...
biofenac, mineral complementation, glucosamine, curcumin cissus helped me, and i've it with me,and it belong my way.