So i got enough test e to run for 16 weeks at 600mg/week lads. If I can't get rid of it ill just do test e and low dose of tren and mast. I know I'm going back and forth about the two. It just sucks when I got rid of my test e and my buddy said he didn't want it anymore =(
The higher your test dose, the higher your caloric maintenance becomes. This could be beneficial during a recomp. Also, I would throw in T3 at 25-50mcg, start at 25, if you're not flat and feel like you can handle more, you can work your way up to 50mcg tops IMO. Apart of that, keep your tren in no matter what. Depending on which oral you get, epi or var, i would pitch epi at 50-80mg or var at 80-100mg (you are better off with epi, cheaper and much more effective). You can combine dbol with either var or epi, but i would keep the dosages at the lower side of the spectrum. So something like 40dbol 50epi, or 40dbol 80 var. If you pitch in mast, anywhere between 350-525mg is good. I'd opt for the propionate ester since you might not even need an AI while running mast. Enanthate ester is a pain in the glutes to control estro with. Prop is the way to go.
What i would personally do assuming your chosen dosages and compounds (and since u have a lot of test in stock on you) is the following:
Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week (I'd personally run tren week 1-14, however you must know that it shuts you down hard)
Week 1-15 mast prop 350-525mg/week (start at 350, if you need more, increase it slowly)
Week 1-8 epistane 50mg or var 80mg ed (go for epi if u can)
**You can also pitch in epi 2-3 weeks after Dbol at 50-80mg, or var at 80-100, would be a nice ending with tren mast. But i would start mast at the higher end of the spectrum in the first 4 weeks to help keep excess dbol test water off
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week
Week 1-14 Prami 0.25-0.375mg ed
If mast isn't enough as an AI, pitch asin in at 6.25 eod and work your way up if you need more
Followed is your pct protocol