Input on which cycle to choose

Dbol is the oral that would probably make you hold the most subq water, than comes anadrol, than comes superdrol. However, dbol is the best bulker and mass builder oral. In combination with tren, you will have amazing results as for mass. If water is an issue for you, keep your test dose low. If you want to opt for high test, than var is a poor mass builder, i'd simply spend money on more tren tbh. Unless you want to enhance your cosmetic look, var would be okay. But epistane would be a much better oral than var. Masteron would also be a good additive, it will help keep you drier and will make test and/or dbol more effective. Epistane + mast + tren + low dose test would turn you into a God of Olympus hehe
Dbol is the oral that would probably make you hold the most subq water, than comes anadrol, than comes superdrol. However, dbol is the best bulker and mass builder oral. In combination with tren, you will have amazing results as for mass. If water is an issue for you, keep your test dose low. If you want to opt for high test, than var is a poor mass builder, i'd simply spend money on more tren tbh. Unless you want to enhance your cosmetic look, var would be okay. But epistane would be a much better oral than var. Masteron would also be a good additive, it will help keep you drier and will make test and/or dbol more effective. Epistane + mast + tren + low dose test would turn you into a God of Olympus hehe
Sold me on the God of Olympus haha. Never ran epi or mast. Another problem I know with mast n tren would be hair loss. I'm always down to include tren. It's like fucking a girl that's a 12 out of 10. Then rest are just not even close to comparison ***128514;***128514;
doses on running epi?
If I ran that cycle your talking about I would probably run mast at 320mg /week for 6-8 weeks?
Wondering if anyone has ever ran tren and test both at high levels, Ive ran tren high and test low many times, and it was great. If I can get any input from guys that have ran a cycle similar to the first one. My goal is to recomp, I have done it before. (I have used tren ace 3x already)

Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week

Week 1-17 letro .30mg e3d
Week 4-15 Prami .25 ed

PCT 15 days after last shot
Week 17-22 Clomid 50/50/40/40/25
Week 17-22 Torem 120/90/60/40/40


Week 1-13 test p 300mg/week
Week 1-10 Tren Ace 480mg/week
Maybe throw in var if I get a chance

I don't think those doses are high. I've used 4x that amount of each... not advising, just saying.

Drop the clomid. Torem is all you need from a SERM 60mg/ed for 4 weeks... and add exemestane during PCT.
dbol with tren can cause more problems then people think...since dbol converts to estrogen really fast it will make the progesterone from tren act up more thensay if u were using var or tbol..from my experience it doesnt mix well with drol worked alot better for me feeling wise...keeping estrogen in check will help keep the progesterone down..thats why i dont recommend dbol with tren..var drol or tbol would be a better option with tren..I also feel tren is not that great for bulking...sure u will gain lean muscle but dbol is a straight bulker..tren imo is more of a recomp compound..

Idk you might have repeated what i said hehe, i just didnt add the side effects part because i assumed he knew about that. Any aromatising compound converts to estradiol, that's including test, dbol and anadrol. And you need more adrol to feel the effects. Also adrol is more of a strength and precontest drug. It adds more water within the muscle than subq. As for feeling, (i am not sure if you mean mood but i will assume that), dbol should make you feel better. Tren is used in everything because it is such a versatile compound. Therefore, a must during recomp.
Idk you might have repeated what i said hehe, i just didnt add the side effects part because i assumed he knew about that. Any aromatising compound converts to estradiol, that's including test, dbol and anadrol. And you need more adrol to feel the effects. Also adrol is more of a strength and precontest drug. It adds more water within the muscle than subq. As for feeling, (i am not sure if you mean mood but i will assume that), dbol should make you feel better. Tren is used in everything because it is such a versatile compound. Therefore, a must during recomp.

i can only speek from my experience with the drugs..I used every oral there is with tren..dbol was the worst mix for me with tren..mind u that i love dbol it just didnt mix well for me with the tren
Sold me on the God of Olympus haha. Never ran epi or mast. Another problem I know with mast n tren would be hair loss. I'm always down to include tren. It's like fucking a girl that's a 12 out of 10. Then rest are just not even close to comparison ***128514;***128514;
doses on running epi?
If I ran that cycle your talking about I would probably run mast at 320mg /week for 6-8 weeks?

Epi is good anywhere between 50mg, see how you feel. If you think you need more bump it up slowly to max 80mg. At 50mg you can run it for 6-8weeks. At 80 you can safely run it 6weeks. Yea tren is harsher on hair loss IMHO. Yea mast is good at around 350, 320 will do you tons. Run mast till you finish you recomp, you don't want to lose the look. Also mast will help keep your estro in check
Never tried deca. Never really want to bulk like that crazy. I like to gain my weight with little water retention. Probably when I'm done with graduate school I'll definitely get on that deca =)

u can cut the water down by using a AI and keeping a clean diet..deca never really made me bloated because of the way i eat..U really can cut or bulk on any drug depending on how u eat..In this game diet is everything
i can only speek from my experience with the drugs..I used every oral there is with tren..dbol was the worst mix for me with tren..mind u that i love dbol it just didnt mix well for me with the tren

Yea some people like adrol more like Rich Piana hehe. I found dbol was great size wise. Blew me up, good feel cycle. Depends on every individual
I like dbol for the strength gains and also seems to work like instantly which is cool. What I don't like is the water bloat kind of made me look smooth and less vascular but big as a gorilla. The one thing I don't like about Dbol is the pumps become so intense it's hard to get more than 12 reps in any set. I like to do reps so its counterproductive but on the heavy low rep periods where your not worried about looking shredded go for it.

Anavar is best used by guys with low BF like 12% and below. Also women can benefit greatly from a low dose of Var. But just be sure it is in fact Var and not a Dbol mix. VAr is expensive to run and In my experience its not worth it unless your below 12%BF. You won't really notice it with in a cycle with other things like tren, especially if your not lean might as well just eat a $10 bill everyday same result:)

I am about to start a Tren/Mast/ Test P cycle that I will run for 12 weeks with Halo at the last 6. Doing local shows here in Southern Cali in the summer:)
I like dbol for the strength gains and also seems to work like instantly which is cool. What I don't like is the water bloat kind of made me look smooth and less vascular but big as a gorilla. The one thing I don't like about Dbol is the pumps become so intense it's hard to get more than 12 reps in any set. I like to do reps so its counterproductive but on the heavy low rep periods where your not worried about looking shredded go for it.

Anavar is best used by guys with low BF like 12% and below. Also women can benefit greatly from a low dose of Var. But just be sure it is in fact Var and not a Dbol mix. VAr is expensive to run and In my experience its not worth it unless your below 12%BF. You won't really notice it with in a cycle with other things like tren, especially if your not lean might as well just eat a $10 bill everyday same result:)

I am about to start a Tren/Mast/ Test P cycle that I will run for 12 weeks with Halo at the last 6. Doing local shows here in Southern Cali in the summer:)

hehehe epistane is cheap, and way better than var IMHO, pumps are insane on it though. I put it in the triangle of the best oral hormones when it comes to look or size and look; epi, sd, m1t
I don't think those doses are high. I've used 4x that amount of each... not advising, just saying.

Drop the clomid. Torem is all you need from a SERM 60mg/ed for 4 weeks... and add exemestane during PCT.

forsure, I tried torem, o man such a better pct than when i used clomid and nolva.
u can cut the water down by using a AI and keeping a clean diet..deca never really made me bloated because of the way i eat..U really can cut or bulk on any drug depending on how u eat..In this game diet is everything

true, I just started my diet 4 days ago, very clean and lean. Its posted in my old thread of it is possible to lose 1% bf a week. I like to first start the diet 6-8 week prior before starting the cycle and continuing the diet and then tweaking it a bit. Im def going to get blood work soon before I hop on this shit.
I like dbol for the strength gains and also seems to work like instantly which is cool. What I don't like is the water bloat kind of made me look smooth and less vascular but big as a gorilla. The one thing I don't like about Dbol is the pumps become so intense it's hard to get more than 12 reps in any set. I like to do reps so its counterproductive but on the heavy low rep periods where your not worried about looking shredded go for it.

Anavar is best used by guys with low BF like 12% and below. Also women can benefit greatly from a low dose of Var. But just be sure it is in fact Var and not a Dbol mix. VAr is expensive to run and In my experience its not worth it unless your below 12%BF. You won't really notice it with in a cycle with other things like tren, especially if your not lean might as well just eat a $10 bill everyday same result:)

I am about to start a Tren/Mast/ Test P cycle that I will run for 12 weeks with Halo at the last 6. Doing local shows here in Southern Cali in the summer:)

I like that vascular look a lot. Yea when i used tren and var I was at around 9% bf after finishing a 13 week diet dropping around 22lbs then waited and then got gear 2 months later after maintaining it. Ill def be checking up on your thread to see how that goes. Yea I feel like var is great as you mentioned just expensive. Nicee southern cali. I got family out there. Good luck man!
So i got enough test e to run for 16 weeks at 600mg/week lads. If I can't get rid of it ill just do test e and low dose of tren and mast. I know I'm going back and forth about the two. It just sucks when I got rid of my test e and my buddy said he didn't want it anymore =(

Page 6 is week 5 of the cycle on and page 7 is week 7 of the cycle. Pretty much why I keep going back to tren because of the fact of it works like a charm with dieting

Link below is before i started the cycle on the 13 week diet, pics posted every 2 weeks with diet included if any of you want a simple diet to use, feel free my dudes!
So i got enough test e to run for 16 weeks at 600mg/week lads. If I can't get rid of it ill just do test e and low dose of tren and mast. I know I'm going back and forth about the two. It just sucks when I got rid of my test e and my buddy said he didn't want it anymore =(
The higher your test dose, the higher your caloric maintenance becomes. This could be beneficial during a recomp. Also, I would throw in T3 at 25-50mcg, start at 25, if you're not flat and feel like you can handle more, you can work your way up to 50mcg tops IMO. Apart of that, keep your tren in no matter what. Depending on which oral you get, epi or var, i would pitch epi at 50-80mg or var at 80-100mg (you are better off with epi, cheaper and much more effective). You can combine dbol with either var or epi, but i would keep the dosages at the lower side of the spectrum. So something like 40dbol 50epi, or 40dbol 80 var. If you pitch in mast, anywhere between 350-525mg is good. I'd opt for the propionate ester since you might not even need an AI while running mast. Enanthate ester is a pain in the glutes to control estro with. Prop is the way to go.

What i would personally do assuming your chosen dosages and compounds (and since u have a lot of test in stock on you) is the following:
Week 1-15 test e 600mg/week
Week 4-14 Tren ace 480mg/week (I'd personally run tren week 1-14, however you must know that it shuts you down hard)
Week 1-15 mast prop 350-525mg/week (start at 350, if you need more, increase it slowly)
Week 1-8 epistane 50mg or var 80mg ed (go for epi if u can)
**You can also pitch in epi 2-3 weeks after Dbol at 50-80mg, or var at 80-100, would be a nice ending with tren mast. But i would start mast at the higher end of the spectrum in the first 4 weeks to help keep excess dbol test water off
Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg ed
Week 1-17 HCG 500ius 2x/week
Week 1-14 Prami 0.25-0.375mg ed
If mast isn't enough as an AI, pitch asin in at 6.25 eod and work your way up if you need more
Followed is your pct protocol
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