Insulin cycle advice diet dosage


New member
Hey guys , Learnt a lot from my previous clen post thanx to you guys!

I've been researching info about slin for few years now, i will soon give it a shot
PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT DANGERS OF SLIN , i know how it works & how fatal it can be

I wanted to know about only slin cycles, what gains can i expect from it ,
how much & what to eat , i will be having no problem with eating a lot of carbs as my food is
carb heavy..rice in all meals baby

I was thinking of starting with 2 iu & build upto 8 iu & then hold it up there for 3 weeks

I'll be investing in a glucometer to counter hypo
If you've been researching for 2 years, how come you don't know how much to eat, what to eat and what gains others have got?

I haven't even researched slin and I know these answers.

.:. I just don't believe you
If you've been researching for 2 years, how come you don't know how much to eat, what to eat and what gains others have got?

I haven't even researched slin and I know these answers.

.:. I just don't believe you

i agree with him
Slin only is stupid. Don't do it. You are only asking for problems

It's stupid for this guy to do it I agree.

But what problems are you referring to. I honestly can't say I've ever read one. Except the guy who took 900iu trying to kill himself and didn't die.
It's stupid for this guy to do it I agree.

But what problems are you referring to. I honestly can't say I've ever read one. Except the guy who took 900iu trying to kill himself and didn't die.

Lol! I remember that one.

Slin only can lead to a fair bit of fat gain... it's best coupled with HGH and/or AAS to improve nutrient partitioning.
i dnt know those answers doesnt mean i didnt read them, its just i am not able to find the correct one
As everybody's body is different , some people wanted to get fat (some ecto's) so they ate fat & got fat but i want a combination of muscle mass & fat
because i dont wanna stay small & lean but even big & bloaty thats the reason
Okay I'll play nice.
Here's what I've been doing and Im not fat or super lean. But at the moment I'm only on a trt dose of test.

1hr before I eat 6oz Piedmontese beef and 6oz sweet potato and take 5iu of gh IM

30min before I drink a serving of buzz saw and 10g creatine
(using the mixture from my intra to mix it up)

15min before 10iu humalog

During the work out:
30carbs from intra md
60 hbcd (carbs)
30 pepto pro
10 eaa (because I like to)

Right after work out I leave alittle of my intra to mix in 10g of creatine to drink it

45min later I eat 1cup of rice,6oz of chicken, asparagus and a can of pineapple (75carbs) and go to bed shortly after.
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Slin is the most anabolic item in our arsenals. Im type one diabetic but I have not yet tailored my slin usage to making gains. Preworkout is the best time for non diabetics who want to use. It really depends on your bodys insulin sensitivity as far as dosage and carb intake is concerned. The safe rule of thumb is 10g of carbs per iu of slin. This often makes people hold a little too much water and accumulate a little too much fat. The best source of carbs I have found is branched chain cyclic dextrins. This is a more effective source of carbs to have with your slin. The above poster has a pretty nice protocol in my opinion. Humalog is prescription only. You can get humulin R without a prescription. Using humulin R would require different timing of injection and nutrients.
When I swtich to earlier work outs I will try post work out. I'd be interested to see if I notice a difference.
Also to the op my first cycle I was overly cautious and tapered up from 2-6iu starting at the above 10 carbs per iu. once I got to 6iu I started lower carbs little by little and using my meter just to see what I could get my carbs down to. I ended up at half the carbs and never felt an ounce of going hypo.

My second cycle I went from 6-10 and used my glucose meter alittle more frequently just to see what was happening. As far a meter I basically never need it or use it cuz I've never had that feeling of being hypo because as you can see my carbs are pretty high.

Keep those glucose tabs close tho and make sure your training partner knows what to do if you