

New member
What does everybody think about the combo of insulin and fina

I'm just looking to put on some solid muscle not get fucking huge ( thats in a few months)

Comming off a back injury and looking to get my lbs back that I lost
well, in my experice with tren, i got more quality gains than just getting 'huge'. I didnt put on much water weight, but with insulin i got pretty big due to fat accumulation. Stacking the two together would be too bad of an idea, if you wanna consider it a stack. The tren would possibly help with any fat accumulation you may obtain from insulin, but throw some test in there for shits and giggles
No true, too many cals, not just fat grams, not working out till glycogen is depleted, etc can lead to fat gain.
RoadHouse said:
No true, too many cals, not just fat grams, not working out till glycogen is depleted, etc can lead to fat gain.
doing slin post workout would be a good idea then. and watching what u eat. Ive also read allot of good things about ALA on how it makes the muscles take more glucose rather than convert it to fat.
What kind of gains do you think I would get if I ran

1-10 fina
1-4 sulin 10ius post wk
2 week break
6-10 sulin

I wont need anykind of post cycle ther will I?
Have a going away party for your dick if you are not including test. I am lucky on "fina only" if I get wood MAYBE once a month. Also, test is not only responsible for sex drive, it is responsible for motivation. If you want to know what test-less looks like, look at a neutered dog. They just lay there. That is what you will feel like IMO. Put test in there. I will let a mod give you the dose for the best possible results.
He said that if he is on a fina only cycle, he is lucky to get wood once a month. He didn't say that he is currently on a fina only cycle.

If I were you , I would at least add a little bit of test. It is cheap anyways. I would pay the price for my sex drive.
Okay this is what I'm going to do

1-10 fina 75mg ed
1-4 insulin 6iu post wk
2 weeks off insulin
6-10 insulin

If i start to shut down from the fina then I will have test prop on hand and will take

If I get it then I will prob take it but who knows.

Do I need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ) or just clomid or anything after this cycle assum I did not do test.
Why comeoff the slin? I am doing a similiar cycle soon, looks like this for now.

Week 1-8 Fina 75 mg ED
Week 1-8 Slin 20 IU post work out
Week 9-11 Clomid Therapy as usual
Week 9-11 Slin 15 IU post work out
Week 9-11 Slin 10 IU Upon waking on non work out days.

Possibly some test prop or may play with injectable 4-AD out of curiosity, but the libido isn't an issue for me. Use of test/4-ad depends mainly on price and availability.

Clomid or Nolva is a definate post cycle of Fina, it shuts you down hard bro. Some post cycle therapy is required, hgh+nolva is good if you got the cash
Your on fina only?

Fina is lowering your sex drive?

What are u doses?

I was thinking about adding test and prob will?

Due to availability and the desire to stay "legal" I am doing:

Hum-R: 15iu....5 on, 2 off
Fina: 110mg ED (can't wait to end that. been 8 weeks)

I am adding 1-AD at twice the dose as I have had excellent results with prohormones. 3 for 3 so far. Although one was discontinued by the FDA. Pricks.
elijah_123 said:
Why comeoff the slin? I am doing a similiar cycle soon, looks like this for now.

Week 9-11 Slin 10 IU Upon waking on non work out days.

I don't know if it is just me but keep your sugar handy post-slin on non-workout days. It is the only time I got a HUGE hypo rush even after my carb/protein shake. My feet got cold, then I got two headrushes that rivaled any drug I've done. I walked into the kitchen "underwater" and chugged on the sugar water. Scary but kinda cool. I am not sure if it is because my glycogen stores weren't depleted enough due to no workout and affected the slin or what. It is probably just me but I wanted to give you a heads up just in case, bro. Stay safe.
Adding 1-ad shouldn't help the libido, it converts to 1-test which kills libido and envergy levels. Go with 4-ad its a legal test semi-replacement.
Why is there no need for over 10 IU? Any studies to back that up?

Insulin needs vary by person to person. Insulin resistance will up the dosage you need, amount of muscle mass, current glucose stores etc. Lots of stuff plays in. And insulin does not stop being effective at 10 IU if you can handle the sides you will see increase above 10, or 20 or 30 but it gets much harder to handle with few results about 20 or so in my experience. And even anything above 10 is dangerous if you don't know EXACTLY what your doing.

I am fairly experienced not as much as some guys here, but more so than some others here. Slin is a hobby of mine :).

To wannabe, that is odd you got more sides on non-workout days. Was your carb intake the same as post work out. I could see MUCH easier fat gain on non work out days, because to consume enough carbs to "handle" the slin, your muscles and liver would be mostly full arleady (hence doing it upon waking so your glucose levels are very low). What was the timing/dose/carb intake like for you. I've never had a problem with doing it on non-work out days if I scale the dose equal to the amount of glucose I didn't burn off. Ie figure 400-600 cals during a work out, = 40-60 gr of carbs, so reduce by 4-6 iu dosage.

Also I typically do slin after light cardio first thing in the morning so I can take advantage of the increase in GH and have more room for glucsoe :)