intermittent fasting "the best and easiest"


New member
I recently used intermittent fasting for 3 months to loose fat while preserving muscle. I lost 18 lbs in 3 months wjile eating what i want and stabalizing my body. You should absolutely try it. Its free, nothing to buy. I ate between the hours of 4 pm till ten 10 pm. And fasted from 10pm till 4 pm. My blood sugar never spiked until i most needed it to (post workout). After about 3 days, you are no longer hungry all the time and most importantly, i learned when i was really hungry and when i was eating for no reason. If anyone is interested, i will explain in depth.
It looks promising given all the recent talk about it, and there are many athletes who have success with it. For me I just couldn't do it, I get too light headed and shakey when I don't eat.
I am really getting into it now,at first it took a while to get used to the hunger pangs, but you get used to it after a while. I find it has really helped me cut down on a lot of the shit food i was eating everyday like sweets and chocolate crisps etc
and when it comes to dinner time, i am eating much larger portions of healthier nutrient foods than before, becasue i am soo damn hungry, it feels great.
I have had a couple of cheat days where i have pigged out on sweets, biscuits, but tbh i didnt realy feel good after eating them, and did not near have the content feeling like i did after a half kilo steak, with some nice potatoes and mushrooms...
I think the premise of IF isn't that it is a revolutionary magic pill, but it's more of a way of repacking the current working model of having clean and healthy macronutrient budgets into a more doable system.

Why do I think this? Because not everyone has the time to eat several small meals through the day, but nearly everyone has the chance to eat their day's worth of food in a period of a few hours. It's a hell of a lot more convenient to follow than a 6-meal-a-day diet. That's the bottom line.

I personally would rather be hungry/tired for only a couple hours a day than sorta hungry for the entire day, so that is why it works for me.

The other debatable dietary/health benefits of IF are, if anything, considered bonus, and would only be attributed to a relatively small percentage of effectiveness in a good cutting program.
I'm interested in IF. I've started working out hard and heavy after a couple years off. My body fat right now is through the roof at 29% according to one of those hand held deals.

1. Is it important more of when you eat or the time between meals?
2. What about your protein intake and and fat intake?
3. How much time between meals?

If you guy don't mind help a cracker out.

I do it most days, great way to loose fat, I eat between 11am and 7 pm, makes it easy to keep food out of the stomach at bed time , mercola recommends it if you follow him
IF definitely works. If you look at the science behind it, it all makes sense. I doubt our ancestors were sitting around making sure they got their meals every two hours, or else "oh noez, i'm gonna go into a catabolic state". They most likely spent the day working/hunting and feasting at night after the kill or everything was gathered. I always notice an increase of energy for work through out the day when i adhere t this, and makes me feel more.... "primal"
I used intermittent fasting last year after getting stuck on a weight loss plateau. It worked well but I didn't do it right and ended up losing a lot of muscle. At the time I didn't care because I just wanted to drop weight. Lost about 12 pounds over 30 days. Unfortunately I lost almost an inch off my arms too! I would have breakfast and lunch and then fast again until the next breakfast. The only problem was my 2 hour kickboxing and Krav Maga workouts were in the evenings. So after an intense workout I was going to bed on empty. Fat was burned but with no protein after the workout my body used my own muscle mass.

That routine fit my schedule but obviously wasn't a good choice. So now I'm trying to figure out how to work IF back in and not lose the muscle.