interrupted cycle, side fx with tren, just want advice on how best to get off


New member
I'm 33 years old. Never used test before.

On December 22nd, I purchased and began injecting one 10ml bottle of cyp 250 from Strango Meds. My friend kept dragging me along with promises that my other bottles would be there but 1 and 1/2 weeks after my last injection they still hadn't arrived and I had missed three shots.

I then purchased 10ml enanthate 400 from Axio labs from someone I didnt know. After taking this for 2 1/2 weeks I began to experience fatigue and lack of enthusiasm for the gym, and began to believe that what I had was not enanthate and that I was experiencing the crash from having no test in my system for four weeks.

I then purchased cyp 300 and enanthate 300 from a friend who got them from a private lab. In addition at the insistence of several people I also purchased tren ace 100. I began to run them together but quickly experienced fatigue after injecting 200 mg tren the first week. After turning to these forums I discovered that I should wait to inject the Tren and perhaps reduce the dosage. So I waited a week and a half and, beginning 8 days ago began to administer injections of 25 mg every other day. Two days ago, on Monday I was very fatigued but administered my fourth shot. The next day, yesterday, I awoke and immediately noticed that my d!ck and balls felt slightly shrunken and aching, and throughout the day I experienced fatigue, depression, and anger. These symptoms have persisted into today.

I threw out the bottle of Tren. I used to enjoy going to the gym, I had plenty of energy in general and I felt fine. I just want to get back to that. At this point although I would still like to complete a 3 month testosterone cycle, I feel that after three months of up and down I would be best served to just come off, get my hormone levels balanced and get back to feeling normal. In the future if I still feel like doing test and am more prepared then that is something I can pursue.

I have just purchased 21 Clomid 50mg from a friend. At this point I havent injected Tren in two days and am hoping that in a few days it will be out of my system. I took two weeks of Test Enanthate 600 mg and then the third week I took 300mg Test Cyp and 300mg Test Enenthate. So basically I was on Cyp for a month, then off for a month, then back on cyp, enan, and tren for three weeks. How should I proceed to get off this rollercoaster? Will the Clomid be enough considering that I havent really started the test? Should I wait the 14 days to start? Would it actually serve me better to finish out the test bottles at this point instead of stopping?

Like I say I just want to feel good and be healthy and have normal hormone levels again. I am done with the Tren, I really should have stuck with just test. It may work for those other guys and Im sure that they are just trying to help me out but obviously it doesnt work for me. Any input would be appreciated.
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The roller coaster can be avoided by scoring everything you need from aas to Aromatase inhibitor (AI) s to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and pct meds prior to starting...but I ll not flame you as your in hell.

I used to live there. Trust me.

You ve crashed. period. All your symptom s are indicative of it. Realize it and face it and un fuck yourself.

I don t comment on tren as the one time I did it it was like bad acid.

back to square dude. Wait like 10 day the chlomid...beware though, chlomid is very effective but can make you more be ready for it.

A few weeks after the pct get bloods done and see where your at. That starting and stopping is what fkd you up. Ur hpta is all confused...

Stay busy...take walks..cross not ll only get you deeper in hell.
Yeah you're right lesson learned and I do realize I've crashed. Ok, thanks for the input and yeah I'll stay positive and active. I'm going to the gym today. I'm just trying to tell myself it'll all get better. Thanks for the input man
I'm 33 years old. Never used test before.

On December 22nd, I purchased and began injecting one 10ml bottle of cyp 250 from Strango Meds. My friend kept dragging me along with promises that my other bottles would be there but 1 and 1/2 weeks after my last injection they still hadn't arrived and I had missed three shots.

I then purchased 10ml enanthate 400 from Axio labs from someone I didnt know. After taking this for 2 1/2 weeks I began to experience fatigue and lack of enthusiasm for the gym, and began to believe that what I had was not enanthate and that I was experiencing the crash from having no test in my system for four weeks.

I then purchased cyp 300 and enanthate 300 from a friend who got them from a private lab. In addition at the insistence of several people I also purchased tren ace 100. I began to run them together but quickly experienced fatigue after injecting 200 mg tren the first week. After turning to these forums I discovered that I should wait to inject the Tren and perhaps reduce the dosage. So I waited a week and a half and, beginning 8 days ago began to administer injections of 25 mg every other day. Two days ago, on Monday I was very fatigued but administered my fourth shot. The next day, yesterday, I awoke and immediately noticed that my d!ck and balls felt slightly shrunken and aching, and throughout the day I experienced fatigue, depression, and anger. These symptoms have persisted into today.

I threw out the bottle of Tren. I used to enjoy going to the gym, I had plenty of energy in general and I felt fine. I just want to get back to that. At this point although I would still like to complete a 3 month testosterone cycle, I feel that after three months of up and down I would be best served to just come off, get my hormone levels balanced and get back to feeling normal. In the future if I still feel like doing test and am more prepared then that is something I can pursue.

I have just purchased 21 Clomid 50mg from a friend. At this point I havent injected Tren in two days and am hoping that in a few days it will be out of my system. I took two weeks of Test Enanthate 600 mg and then the third week I took 300mg Test Cyp and 300mg Test Enenthate. So basically I was on Cyp for a month, then off for a month, then back on cyp, enan, and tren for three weeks. How should I proceed to get off this rollercoaster? Will the Clomid be enough considering that I havent really started the test? Should I wait the 14 days to start? Would it actually serve me better to finish out the test bottles at this point instead of stopping?

Like I say I just want to feel good and be healthy and have normal hormone levels again. I am done with the Tren, I really should have stuck with just test. It may work for those other guys and Im sure that they are just trying to help me out but obviously it doesnt work for me. Any input would be appreciated.

Just so you know Strango Meds doesn't make a cyp 250.. Just a heads up in case he's selling you something else and saying it's Strango Meds..